• Miracle... 238

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  • Cheile Bicaz - Pestera Munticelu... 226

    Pestera Munticelu este situata la intrarea din Cheile Bicazului, in baza calcaroasa Surduc Munticelu, pe versantul stang al raului Bicaz.Pestera Munticelu este considerata din punct de vedere stiintific dar si peisagistic cea mai importanta din Moldova. Descoperita in primavara anului 1973 de catre cativa copii plecati la cules de ghiocei, pestera Munticelu a fost denumita din acest motiv, de catre localnici, pestera Ghiocelu. Drumul spre pestera incepe in dreptul carierei Surduc, la 250 m de la intrarea in Cheile Sugaului.Traseul este pitoresc si se face mai intai in serpentine, apoi devine din ce in ce mai abrupt si urca pana la o altitudine de 300 de m unde se afla si pestera. Traseul catre pestera este doar unul din numeroasele trasee din Cheile Bicazului. Ascunsa la baza unui perete de calcar intrarea in pestera este scunda de aproximativ 1,5 metri, apoi urmeaza un culoar descendent de 10 metri, care te conduce intr-o sala mare, lunga de 30 de metri si inalta d

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  • Békás, Cave Munticelu... 224

    Munticelu Cave is situated at the entrance of the gorge Gorges, based on calcareous Surduc Munticelu on the left side of the river Bicaz.Munticelu Cave is considered the scientific point of view but also the most important landscape in Moldova. Discovered in the spring of 1973 by a few children went to gather snowdrops, Munticelu cave was named for this reason, by the locals, Ghiocelu cave. Road to start in the right career Surduc cave, 250 meters from the entrance keys suck.The route is picturesque and is first in coils, then becomes increasingly steep and goes up to an altitude of 300 m where there is the cave. The trail to the cave is just one of many routes Békás. Hidden in the wall of a limestone cave entrance is about 1.5 feet short and follow a descending corridor of 10 meters, which leads you into a great hall, 30 meters long and 5 meters high by 4. With a length of 120 m Munticelu impressive cave hall and through the stalagmites formations.At the bottom of

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  • Flowers of the Romanian Carpathians - Excellent photo album 221

    Beyond the fresh air and refreshing green of the woods, the mountains have a chance to see and those flowers that give color and charm fill grassland, glades and alpine pastures. Texture and also resistant plants grow wild in the foothills and mountain ridges until, finding favorable living conditions both in open field, and under trees. If some species prefer the cool neighborhood of streams, others feel at ease in swamps or putrid arbor of forest. May "bold" better "equipped" protection systems (dwarf forms or crawling, Dimensions low, thick skin with fine spikes or hairs that form a real felt pools of water in leaf tissue, etc. .) are plants that manage to "colonize" barren rocks of peaks up to 2,000 m altitude. They have to cope with arid conditions (wind, drought, frost) present almost all year round.Shapes, colors and flavors:Generally, all have something special mountain flowers. First, graceful figure, impossible to overlook. Then, color and shape, combining mountain fl

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  • Delta Dunarii - Flora si Fauna... 220

    Dunarea, al doilea fluviu al Europei dupa Volga si al 26-lea din lume cu aproximativ 2.900 km lungime si peste 800.000 km², dimensiunea bazinului populat de cca. 80.000 locuitori din 10 tari - aceasta ar fi cartea de vizita a generosului fluviu care îsi îndeplineste statornic de milenii rolul "drumului mare", cunoscut, apreciat si batut, de la vasele feniciene la motonavele din vremurile noastre.Denumita Istros de argonauti sau Danubius de romani sau "rege între fluvii" de catre Napoleon Bonaparte, Dunarea strabate pe teritoriul României ultimii 1075km încheindu-si calea prin Delta, cea mai reprezentativa de pe batrânul continent si una dintre cele mai complexe din lume.Este un capat de lume original, unic în felul sau: cel mai tânar pamânt al Europei, vecinul unora dintre cei mai batrâni munti ai planetei (Macin, masiv hercinic, cca 400 mil. ani), petec de pamânt si ape vesnic în lupta, mereu altfel, paienjenis de canale, grinduri, gârle, paduri cu aspect tropical, dune fl

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  • Top Gear - Transfagarasan - Cele mai frumoase drumuri (9/11) 216

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  • Top Gear - Transfagarasan - Cele mai frumoase drumuri (8/11) 214

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  • Top Gear - Transfagarasan - Cele mai frumoase drumuri. 190

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  • Top Gear Transfagarasan The Most beautiful Road... 184

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  • The Best Road in Romania Transfagarasan Full Part 3/11 Top Gear "The Best Road in the World" 188

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