luni, 11 ianuarie 2016
Romanul de care vorbeşte toată lumea: PURITY, de Jonathan Franzen.
Publicat pe 22 aug.
By Jonathan Franzen (Farrar, Straus, Giroux)
Jonathan Franzen’s highly anticipated new novel, “Purity,” is about, well, pretty much everything.
In 2001, Franzen captured the cultural zeitgeist with “The Corrections” and hasn’t let it go. Time magazine declared him to be a “Great American Novelist,” on the cover no less.
He followed with “Freedom” in 2010, and now “Purity.” The story, told over 563 pages, moves around a lot, kind of like a cosmic ferret turned loose on the globe.
Andreas Wolf is a Julian Assange-ish character who runs his WikiLeaks-like operation out of Bolivia. He goes to considerable lengths to lure Purity “Pip” Tyler into his web.
You’re meant to make something of Purity versus Wolf and to think of Charles Dickens in connection with the name Pip.
Purity was raised in a cabin amid the redwoods near Santa Cruz, Calif., by an exceedingly tiresome woman with exhausting dependency needs, She refuses to divulge anything about her past or Purity’s father.
Meanwhile, in Denver, Colo., Tom Aberant, a brilliant crusading journalist, has spent two decades not quite getting over his first wife, a frustrating woman whose wayward logic somehow entitles her to make maddening demands.
Some might find Pip tedious, too, but she’s clearly meant to be the heroine of the piece.
Tom, who champions print journalism and the expertise of investigative reporters, and Andreas, internationally famous for dumping controversial data from the shadows, knew each other back in the day in East Germany. Things did not end well between them and they are clearly headed for another showdown in “Purity.”
By Jonathan Franzen (Farrar, Straus, Giroux)
Jonathan Franzen’s highly anticipated new novel, “Purity,” is about, well, pretty much everything.
In 2001, Franzen captured the cultural zeitgeist with “The Corrections” and hasn’t let it go. Time magazine declared him to be a “Great American Novelist,” on the cover no less.
He followed with “Freedom” in 2010, and now “Purity.” The story, told over 563 pages, moves around a lot, kind of like a cosmic ferret turned loose on the globe.
Andreas Wolf is a Julian Assange-ish character who runs his WikiLeaks-like operation out of Bolivia. He goes to considerable lengths to lure Purity “Pip” Tyler into his web.
You’re meant to make something of Purity versus Wolf and to think of Charles Dickens in connection with the name Pip.
Purity was raised in a cabin amid the redwoods near Santa Cruz, Calif., by an exceedingly tiresome woman with exhausting dependency needs, She refuses to divulge anything about her past or Purity’s father.
Meanwhile, in Denver, Colo., Tom Aberant, a brilliant crusading journalist, has spent two decades not quite getting over his first wife, a frustrating woman whose wayward logic somehow entitles her to make maddening demands.
Some might find Pip tedious, too, but she’s clearly meant to be the heroine of the piece.
Tom, who champions print journalism and the expertise of investigative reporters, and Andreas, internationally famous for dumping controversial data from the shadows, knew each other back in the day in East Germany. Things did not end well between them and they are clearly headed for another showdown in “Purity.”
Jonathan Franzen – Purity. Este scriitorul răsfăţat al Americii. De aceea am citit de cum a apărut noul roman ca să vă spunem dacă merită sau nu – el va fi publicat şi în română până în primăvara anului viitor.
Franzen e specializat în prinderea obsesiilor cîte unui deceniu – anii ’90 sunt prinşi perfect în romanul “Corecţii”, anii 2000 au fost “fotografiaţi” în romanul “Libertate”. Acum avem deceniul doi al mileniului 3 prins în cronica americanului.
Personaje care seamănă cu Assange, noua generaţie obsedată de tehnologie, probleme de etică intens puse în scenă etc. A, şi să nu uit, e romanul cu cel mai mult sex din cariera lui Franzen. Şi multă masturbare, chestie care merge la pachet se pare cu noua revoluţie tehnologică. Că doar ce e netul dacă nu o mare de pronografie condimentată cu ştiri, hater-eală şi socializare.
Franzen alunecă zdravăn într-un ton satiric, inventează situaţii şi coincidenţe care sunt menite să alcătuiască un soi de mega-atac retoric la adresa noilor oameni, noilor tehnologii. Rezultatul nu e la fel de bun ca în precedentele două romane. De la o linişte realistă, a trecut la un soi de isterie satirică. Uneori puţin ridicolă. A beneficiat de recenzii dure care-i taxează şi antifeminismele cam de duzină, şi stilul mult prea schematic în care descrie lumea ultimilor 10 ani. Însă Franzen rămâne Franzen. Zeci de pasaje subtile, amuzante, analize care par mici eseuri literare şi zeci de observaţii despre lumea de azi care poate pot enerva, dar ating esenţe tari.
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