Amidaji delegate at the 19th United Nations Day of Wesak Celebration, Thailand

Recently, Shushin Ioana, one of our oldest Romanian members, represented Amidaji in Thailand at the United Nation Day of Wesak which was an event attended by delegates from many countries, including Asia, Europe, USA, etc. On this occasion, she gifted seven of my books in English to the library of Sitagu International Buddhist Academy, represented in the left photo by Rev Dr Kovida. The books were offered in the memory of our dear friend Shoshin from the Phillipines who recently departed to the Pure Land.

In 2004 I was a guest of honor at Sitagu academy/monastery and since then I have constantly sent cordial greetings to Ven Ashin Nyanissara, its leader, who treated me very well during my stay in Myanmar (Burma). Below I present to you other photos from this year Wesak Conference where Shushin sent greetings from us and made or rekindled friendships with various members of other Buddhist communities. I mention that Shushin is on his fourth participation to this kind of Wesak Conferences and will also represent us next year.

Thank you very much, dear Shushin for your dedication!

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