Arch to Manjaro – the dirty way

In my lab I’ve been running arch on a NFS server and the filesystem used is ZFS. I think you already know that in Arch the zfs packages are located in AUR.

There are several options like zfs-linux and zfs-dkms. Sadly both are problematic during kernel updates. One solution I found to make these problems go away is to use Manjaro instead of Arch.

In Manjaro the zfs packages are in the repositories. Every kernel you use like linux610 also has a package called linux610-zfs.

First we make sure that everything is up to date

pacman -Syyuu

Then we change the content of the file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist to point to Manjaro packages

Server =$repo/$arch

I only put one mirror, feel free to chose your favorite from

Because we will have some issues with the package signatures we temporarily disable t...