Buddhas exist

Buddhas are real, living, enlightened Ones. Amida is a real, living, enlightened Buddha. Unenlightened beings like us cannot say that the reality of the Buddhas is mythological, symbolical or metaphorical, thus denying their actual existence. They should rather see their own so-called samsaric reality as dreamlike and illusional and the reality of the Buddhas as truly real. Unlike us, samsaric beings, Buddhas (Amida included) have their existence grounded in the ultimate Reality of Nirvana which makes them truly real and alive. Thus, it is stupid, harmful and demonic to relate to the Buddhas as to symbols, metaphors or myths when they are actually more real and alive than us.
Our samsaric reality is an optical illusion and a dream while the Pure Land is a real enlightened place. Our world and everything we see here is dreamlike and not actually real, while the Pure Land is truly real because, I repeat, it is rooted in the ultimate reality.
The existence of the transcendental Buddhas and Enlightened Bodhisattvas of the Mahayana pantheon is not similar with our existence which is false and illusory. They don't exist like us, but this does NOT mean they don't exist. Samsaric minds cannot understand everything about the Buddhas but should accept, based on the sutras, that they truly exist and are active in guiding and saving us.
Please don't fall into the wrong view of denying the existence of the Buddhas just because your unenlightened mind cannot understand them yet. The time will soon come when you'll meet them face to face after birth in the Pure Land. Until then, enjoy and be grateful for their protection because all of them guided you to Amida Buddha.

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