Christmas should go beyond a TV commercial to...ehm...Coca
Cola where people are artificially happy, gathered around an
abundant dinner table, laughing with their pearly white teeth and
looking impeccable in their holiday outfits. Yet, one would be a
hypocrite to hide the fact that even if it's due to an efficient
marketing strategy which imbedded in our brain this dopamine
triggering image or simply due to the neverending quest to find
happiness, we all, secretly, want that. We want people to spend
time with, people to laugh with, good food and beautiful clothes in
a celebration of what is a holiday that makes the rat race
And I always dreamt not of a white dress necessarily, but of
someone to ornament the Christmas tree with. The feeling of
belonging to my own little village even if that is a two people
village. And someday a kid with pearly whites too who laughs and
giggles as he/ she saw Santa around the corner.
Am I too much of a regular woman?