Amida Buddha, your majestic light is the most exalted, no other
Buddha’s light can match it. It illumines all Buddha-lands in
the ten directions, each beam grasping and never abandoning
sentient beings of the Nembutsu.
Immeasurable rays of light emanate from each feature of your awesome Sambhogakaya form, illuminating all Buddha-lands.
Therefore, you are called mu ryo ko bu - Infinite Light Buddha
All beings without exception in the ten directions are touched by your light. None is outside the reach of your calling all to entrust to you.
Therefore, you are called mu hen kobu - Boundless Light Buddha.
When we open my hearts and minds to you Amida, nothing can prevent your light penetrating our inner and outer darkness. Not our blind passions, our karmic evil, nor even the magical display of samsaric universes and worlds can obscure it.
Therefore, you are called mu ge ko bu - Unhindered Light Buddha.
Of all the practices, siddhis and wisdom, taught by other Buddhas, gods, gurus and saints, none can compare with the liberating power of the supreme light of faith we receive from you, Amida.
Therefore, you are called mu tai ko bu - Unequalled Light Buddha.
We joyfully accept your Light, whilst knowing that we cannot comprehend or express its numberless virtues which are infinitely beyond the ability of our frail human minds to grasp, describe or even imagine.
Therefore, you are called nan ji ko bu - Inconceivable Light Buddha, and mu sho ko bu - Inexpressible Light Buddha.
Your light is free of the defilement of greed.
Therefore, you are called sho jo ko bu – Pure Light Buddha
Your light is free of the defilement of anger.
Therefore, you are called kay gi ko bu – Joyful Light Buddha
Your light is free of the defilement of ignorance.
Therefore, you are called cie ko bu– Wisdom Light Buddha
When we entrust to you Amida, your intense light sterilises our karmic seeds, completely destroying their potential for bearing future samsaric fruit.
Therefore, you are called en no ko bu – Lord of Blazing Light Buddha.
There has never been in the past, nor will there be in the future, a single moment when each one of us has been without your blessed light shining on us.
Therefore, you are called mu ge ko bu – Uninterupted Light Buddha.
No worldly science, philosophy, or spirituality can explain or has the power to liberate us from the vast ocean of samsara as your light has, Amida.
Therefore, you are called cho nichi gak ko bu – Light Surpassing the Sun and Moon Buddha.
If sentient beings encounter your light, their three defilements are removed; they feel tenderness, joy, and pleasure; and good thoughts arise. If sentient beings in the three realms of suffering, see your light they will all be relieved and freed from affliction. At the end of their lives, they will all reach liberation. Therefore may all beings encounter, see and accept your light, and be born as Buddhas in the Pure-Land of Peace and Bliss.
Namo Amida Butsu