Don't be hungry for feelings and special experiences

Question by Shoshin: Dear Sensei, why is it that despite my having entrusted myself to Amida (formally in Amidaji to signify my sincerity), recited his name, and wished to be born in his Pure Land, why is it that I have not felt any assurance of any kind at all up to this time.


I have listened to all your books, which I converted to audio your videos, every day and night, over and over, and they are so wonderfully written, but all I get is Amida is so silent, so distant, as if he did not exist.


I need an experiential concrete assurance of rebirth in his Pure Land. Amida seems so distant, so far away. If his light is that powerful why can it not penetrate my thick obscurations no matter how encrusted they are of blind passions?


Time for me is running out because of my age and health issues, and I really need assurance urgently that I shall be reborn in t...