Don't listen to Masters who teach that your power has any contribution to birth in the Pure Land (video teaching)

Useful links related with this video,

Elements of genuine faith: 4) The twofold profound conviction (nishu jinshin)
The Name of Amida Buddha is the Great Practice
Elements of genuine faith: 7) To say the Name of Amida Buddha
The meaning of “no working is true working” in relation with our birth in the Pure Land
The difference between those born in the Pure Land in the embryonic form and those born by transformation – commentary on sections 43, 44 and 45 of the Larger Sutra False (mundane) merits vs True (supramundane) merits
Faith in Amida Buddha is not the creation of our mind
Again on the idea that faith in Amida comes from Amida - very simple explanations
Shinran – a manifestation of Amida Buddha and Avalokitesvara We do not rely on personal vows but on Amida's Primal Vow

Namo Amida Bu

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