In Buddhism we do not consider nature to be our mother. We do not embrace such ideas of mother nature as a benevolent goddess. We do not venerate “mother Earth”. In fact, as long as we are not enlightened, karma is our only mother because we are born from our karma, that is, from our own thoughts, words and deeds. Individual karma is responsible for what we are now, how we look, how beautiful or ugly we are, how smart or stupid, how healthy or sick, and if we die young or old. We are the effects of our own karma and what we do, say or think creates us in the future. Also, individual karma and the collective karma is responsible for the apparition of world systems and universes, each with their own different physical laws. Actually, you are the mother or parent of the world you live in now with all its exterior appearances, just like you are the creator of your own dreams at night which arise due to your thoughts and actions during the day. The dreamer is the creator of hi...