False or unsettled shinjin

 A friend asked me what is false or unsettled shinjin? Then he gave me a quote from Kyogyoshinsho:

“1. One’s faith is not sincere; at one time it exists and at another it does not;

2. One’s faith is not single-hearted, because it is not firm;

3. One’s faith is not constant, because it is mingled with other thoughts.”

Answer: Many people might think they have shinjin but actually they don’t have. We can easily confuse shinjin or faith in Amida Buddha with enthusiasm and Dharma knowledge. Because our teaching is easy to study and understand if one dedicates enough time, those who know many things and are enthusiasts about Jodo Shinshu may appear to be people of shinjin. One can even write good books or articles, translate many sacred texts and so he may seem to have shinj...