How do I feel as a Buddhist?

You don’t need to do anything in order to attain Buddhahood in the Pure Land of Amida.In Jodo Shinshu, Buddhahood is not to be gained or deserved. Unlike other paths outside or inside Buddhism, here the final liberation from birth and death is not to be acquired by you.

You don’t go by yourself to Nirvana, but Amida Buddha takes you by the hand, like a child, and brings you there. He is the One who makes you see the ultimate nature of all things, who melts the many layers of delusions that cover your innate Buddha nature.

Once born through the gate of faith in the Pure Land of Amida or His sphere of influence, all these transformations occur instantly and naturally. Your journey in this life as a prisoner in samsara is over once you receive faith, and your journey as a Buddha begins when you are born in the Pure Land of Amida[1] at the moment of death.

Faith (shinjin) and saying of the Name (which is the expression of faith) means that you simply let Amida Buddha bring you to Buddhahood. You trust that He can do this for you and that you can’t do it by yourself.

There is no other path like this one. No matter how much you study all the religions of the world and even all other Buddhist methods, you will never find such a teaching that truly requires nothing from you.

This teaching of Shakyamuni about Amida Buddha’s salvation is the best expression of the infinite Love and Compassion a Buddha can have for sentient beings. It is the medicine to be applied when all other medicines (methods) have proven ineffective.

Once I was asked:

How do you feel as a Buddhist?”

I answered:

I feel loved and accepted.

I feel as though I am surrounded by warm and huge gentle hands.

I feel secure. Nothing can harm me spiritually, not even my own blind passions and evil karma.

I see the smiling face of Amida everywhere.

I know Amida never judges me, nor abandons me.

I feel that the essence of the entire universe is great love and great Compassion.

I feel I walk in the Light although I am impure.

No matter how I live or die my destination is certain. All problems have been solved for me.

This is how I feel as a Buddhist.

[1]In the moment one receives faith, he immediately enters the stage of non-retrogression or assured of Nirvana and is born in the Pure Land of Amida at the end of his life.

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