How to Write a Persuasive Essay

An article is, in general, a composed piece that present the author’s view, oftentimes, but not necessarily, but often, but generally with the help of some examples, maps, or photos, in service of her or his argument. Essays will be the intellectual ancestors of the contemporary book, the magazine, as well as the newspaper. And like most of intellectual ancestors, they too, have undergone multiple transformations. Originally, essays were dry, technical, academic functions, destined for greater learning, often with a thesis statement. However, as they evolved over the centuries, they became less dry, more open to interpretation, frequently comprising word-for-word extracts from secondary resources, and even beginning with the very simple act of presenting ideas instead of with dull treatises.

Essays are, in general, sub-divided to two chief categories: analytical essay and persuasive composition. The former is more of an attempt at a wide interpretation of a certain text, ...