As you may probably know, in many Buddhist temples around the world, Jodo Shinshu or not, members organize parties with music, alcohol, and dancing. Some say it relaxes people and brings them together. I say it is a smart trick of internal maras (one's own blind passions and ignorance) and/or external maras or various evil spirits to make people forget the Dharma in the exact place where they have the chance to deepen its meaning, a subtle way of distracting them from the teaching and keeping them focused on their worldly passions and preoccupations.
Don't get me wrong, I do not forbid members to go to parties, drink, socialize or dance. They have all the time for entertainment but the temple is not a social club, not a bar, and not a disco. It is also not a karate, yoga, or ikebana club, not a bazaar and not a platform for various worldly ideologies, as some use it nowadays. The temple is and must remain a pla...