...is the imaginative and fantastic title of the latest art show organized under the auspices of theGraphik-Collegium Berlin e.V.
The show's creative and (almost enigmatic) title subtly heralds the crisscross of concepts, colors, lines and visions of a group of artists whose work is gathered in the Studio Bildende Kunst building at number 13 John Sieg Straße in Berlin.
It's left to the viewer to insert his or her own musings into this tiny labyrinth of shadow trails and sound sediments and to jump in and get at the visual clues.
The elegant and classic beauty of the rooms hosting the show do nothing but enhance the sensorial exuberance that grips us as we enter the space...so if you have never set foot in this art environment before, it's probably a good time to experience it yourself.
As a participant in this show I am glad to be able to share in its sizzling atmosphere that fits well into Berlin's spring air and its daring artistic pace.
A few images from the show's opening night and one of my creations are included (Break of dawn in Lychener Straße) in this post for your viewing pleasure....