Mount Kailash is a place shrouded in mystery and legend.
It is believed to represent the axis of the world or the stairway
to heaven. According to ancient beliefs, it is the place where we
can find the mysterious city of the gods.
It is considered to be the holiest place on Earth by
many eastern countries. Although Kailash Mountain is not one of the
highest Himalayan ranges, scientists are amazed by its mysterious
shape and radio-active energies by pyramids around it.
The literal meaning of Mount Kailash is “Precious Jewel
of the Eternal Show”. Lying in the Tibetan range, this mountain is
at the axis of the Earth and is devoted to Adi Yogi Shiva and his
eternal spirit mate Shakti. It is located near the rivers Indus,
Sutlej, Brahmaputra, and Karnali, and is considered to be the most
sacred mountain.
Here we have collected the 7 of most unbielevable
secrets, mysteries, or facts of Mount Kailash, and maybe give you
some new insight into it.
1. Kailash Mountain Is Unclimbable
Mount Kailash’s height is 6,656 meters above sea level.
It is not the tallest mountain in Tibetan areas. However, no one
has climbed to the Mount Kailash summit. The ancient legend claimed
that only Milarepa, a Buddhist monk had peaked Mount
It’s not that the climb was not at all attempted; in
spite of numerous attempts, no climber has succeeded in conquering
the peak of Mount Kailash. Climbers’ explained that this holy
mountain strangely changes the target and also tends to block the
tracks which mislead the climbers.
2. Kailash Peak Is a man-made
Scientists have discovered that the top of Mt. Kailash
is actually a man-made vacuum pyramid. It is surrounded by more
than 100 other small pyramids. According to preliminary estimates,
the direct height of the pyramid complex is between 100 and 1,800
meters, while the Egyptian pyramid is only 146 meters. If true, it
would be larger than any known pyramid today.
According to Russian scientists Mount Kailash is too
perfect and symmetrical; it’s extremely perpendicular sides give it
the appearance of a pyramid. They suggested that perhaps the
mountain is not a mountain at all; it is actually a giant man-made
pyramid from ancient times.
3. Central Axis Of The World?
A large number of studies conducted by the scientists of
Russia and America believe that the holy peak is the centre of the
world and is known as the axis mundi. It is also said to be
connected to several other monuments across the globe, such as the
Stonehenge, which is exactly 6666 km away from here, the North Pole
is also 6666 km from here and the distance from Mt Kailash to the
South Pole is 13,332 kilometers, which is exactly twice the
distance to the North Pole or Stonehenge.
Mount Kailash, is considered as the cosmic axis or the
world tree even in the Vedas and finds the mention of the same in
the Ramayana as well.
4. Kailash Range Area Will Accelerated
Some scientists believe that the Kailash range is a
vortex of energy that lifts the body and mind. It is said that
people who spend 12 hours in the vicinity of Kailash experience
accelerated hair and fingernails growth, which is equivalent to two
weeks of normal time.
5. Formation of Swastika and Om
Near Mount Kailash there is OM parvat, snow falls on the
peak and takes the shape of OM. When the sun sets, the holy
mountain cast a shadow, shadow forms the shape of religious symbol
of Swastika, which is considered as an auspicious sign amongst the
Om Parvat is one of the mysterious, yet fascinating, the
thing in the mountain. Snow falls in the shape of om or aum. If you
don’t know, Om or Aum is the vibration of the Universe. It is close
to Kailash Parvat, in the Darchula District of Sudurpashchim
Pradesh, Nepal.
6. The Moving Mountain
The reason why people can’t reach the top of the
mountain is that it keeps changing position. This seems to be
really the true holy mountain of the world.
7. The Theory of Twin Lake
There are two lakes surrounding the mountain –
Mansarovar, the God lake and the Rakshas Tal, the Devil lake.
People say that Mount Kailash stands as the balance between the two
and symbolizes that we have both the sides between us, and there
isn’t any evil external to us; we are the evil.
Others believes the Mansarovar Lake & Lake Rakshastal
can Represent Yin-Yang.
Mansarovar Lake was originally created in the Hindu
god’s thoughts and then visualized on the earth. This holy lake is
a freshwater lake, whereas, the Rakshas Tal Lake, which is
separated by only one way, is a saltwater lake known as a ghost
lake. One shapes like the sun, and the other shapes like the moon.
The two lakes represent light and darkness