My heart advice for those responsible for an abortion

A woman who did abortion and anybody responsible for an abortion (including men or anybody who advised her/supported her/forced her), should do the following:

1) accept responsibility for the act and consider it was murder,
2) stop finding excuses of any kind,
3) regret it and apologize to the child you aborted
4) make offerings to Amida Buddha in the name of the aborted child or children you are responsible for and wish that they find peace wherever they are, be well, receive whatever they need, have their obstacles removed, make indestructible connections with Amida Buddha, entrust to Him, say His Name in faith and wish to be born in His Pure Land.

Offerings of any kind can also be made constantly in the name of the aborted children to poor people, the sick and anybody in need. Also, saving lives in the name of the aborted children (including blood donation to hospitals) is extremely beneficial.

I also advise that brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles of the aborted children, as well as anybody in the family, also make offerings in their name. The aborted children must be considered as members of the family (brothers, sisters, nephews) and treated just like one would treat an ancestor.

The family may also sponsor teaching sessions or the printing of Buddhist books in the name of the aborted children.

Even those who don't believe in Buddhism should do constant offerings of food, medicine, shelter, money and save lives in the name of the aborted children in their family and treat them as relatives.
Also, nobody should never, ever, advise somebody to do abortion or find any excuse for such acts.
If you do the above constantly and with sincerity, the spirits of the aborted children can be pacified and their minds be turned towards liberation. They might also transform themselves from enemies into friends and even protectors.

This is a simple teaching that spontaneously appeared in my mind while saying Nembutsu and it is based on the Compassionate Dharma of the Buddhas. I felt that I cannot have any peace nor do anything else unless I share it with you. Please do as instructed.
Namo Amida Bu

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