In the discussions we have established a partnership between NATA and the Embassy of Indonesia, which we will build together a marketing strategy that will include a infotrip organization in Indonesia, the Indonesian TO attract tourism fairs, an event dedicated to promoting Indonesia in Bucharest, publishing a brochure in Romanian, Indonesian partners on costs, which will be distributed to State agencies (as was done with Mexico and the Embassy of Japan), attracting advertising and magazine interviews in NATA, launching promotional messages by the network of agencies NATA, etc..
The Indonesian delegation has expressed interest to establish the Roman tourist profile amateur exotic vacations, and established the importance of a questionnaire to highlight trends in the evolution of sales over the past three years Indonesia destination. To evaluate the interest shown by Romanian tourists who purchased this destination through travel agencies shall ANAT, I kindly ask you to appreciate the absolute and percentage evolution of this destination sales in 2011 compared to 2010 and 2009.
Photo Source: ANAT
Please send responses to your own, in order to centralize their e-mail address: mihaela.vidovici@ adviser Outgoing Commission.
Adriana Caranfil