Nembutsu pilgrimage to the Buddhist stupa from Tranișu (photos, impressions and doctrinal explanations)

Homage to all Dharma gates taught by Shakyamuniand to all authentic lineages of transmission.Homage to Amida Buddhawhose Name is praised by all Buddhas.


It all started with a short conversation with myself. Buddhism has accustomed me to make quick decisions, so in about three minutes I contemplated in my mind: "I want to visit the stupa at Tranișu, but will I get along with the people there? What kind of Buddhists are they? How do they view the Dharma? Will I like them or will they like me?" Then I answered to myself: "None of these matters. A stupa is a stupa and it's very good that it exists. I have to get there. Those who worked on that stupa did something extraordinary and deserve my respect.” As I completed this reasoning, I spontaneously visualized the stupa enveloped in light, which gave me confidence that my decision t...