Nu am murit! We are back!

  • Postat în Life
  • la 12-02-2019 20:41
  • 286 vizualizări
Dupa ani buni in care nu ati avut parte de nici o postare, intr un final Cavalerii Cetatii Rosii au revenit.
In ultimul timp, echipei i s-au alaturat noi membri, care sunt dedicati si lucreaza cu pasiune, dornici sa invete arta manuirii spadei sau jocul cu foc. Cu totii asteptam vara si festivalurile cu nerabdare, antrenandu-ne saptamanal pentru a putea oferi privitorilor un spectacol de neuitat.
Dar pana atunci, va vom tine la curent cu articole saptamanale despre echipa si despre munca pe care o depunem.
Daca doriti sa va inscrieti in echipa, trimiteti un e-mail la adresa prezentata in contact si va vom da mai multe detalii.

After years of waiting, Cavalerii Cetatii Rosii are finally back.
Our team has now a lot of new members, that are working hard and that are really interessted in learning how to fight, dance or "the art of firebending".
We are all excited about the summer and the medieval festivals. We are training weekly, so that we will be able to give the public an unforgetable show.
But untill then we will keep you in touch with weekly articles about the team and the work we are doing.
If you also want to join our team, send us an e-mail on the adress shown in the contact page and we will give you more details there.

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