POEM: Celestial Love

  • Postat în Life
  • la 04-12-2023 17:14
  • 156 vizualizări
In the vast expanse of the universe,
A timeless love story unfolded between the Sun and the Moon.
Each day, as the Sun painted the sky with his vibrant rays,
It yearned for the Moon’s gentle presence.
And when night fell,
The Moon emerged,
Casting her ethereal glow upon the world,
Longing for the Sun’s warm embrace.

Though destined to forever chase one another,
Their love knew no bounds.
With each sunrise,
The Sun would shower the Moon with a kaleidoscope of colors,
Painting the heavens in a tapestry of love.
And as darkness blanketed the Earth,
The Moon would illuminate the night sky,
Sending a soft glow as a tender message to the Sun.

Their celestial courtship continued through the ages,
A dance of light and darkness, of warmth and serenity.
Though they could never touch,
Their love remained unwavering,
A testament to the enduring power of love across the infinity of the cosmos.
And so, they continued their eternal romance,
Destined to forever chase and adore one another,
Their love story etched in the hearts of all who gazed upon the heavens above.

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