POEM: La Tour Eiffel

I remember my teacher of French from the school years.
She was the best teacher of Voltaire’s tongue a pupil could ask for.
She made me love the most beautiful language on earth.
She made me dream of Paris.
Before I graduated from school, I promised myself that one day I would see Paris with my own eyes.
I used to picture myself in the company of La Tour Eiffel as the very first thing to do in Paris once I set foot in the City of Lights.
My dream came true when I grew up.
Once in Paris, the very first thing I did indeed was to greet the Eiffel Tower.
My steps took me to Trocadéro Place.
Hello Beauty!
I stood beneath the radiant sky of Paris,
My heart dancing with anticipation,
Hypnotized by the majestic view of the Eiffel Tower.
She stood tall,
A graceful iron giant reaching for the heavens,
Her lattice structure woven into de