POEM: The Gremlin Friend

I had always been a solitary person,
Content with my own company.
But one day, a mischievous gremlin stumbled into my life.
It had big, mischievous green eyes,
And a big, mischievous grin that promised adventure.
I named it Giggles.
At first, Giggles brought laughter and excitement into my world,
But as time went on,
I realized that our friendship came at a cost.
Giggles was an ever energy-drainer,
A selfish little monster,
Constantly demanding attention and leaving my batteries depleted.
There were nights when I was asking myself,
Fidgeting in my bed and unable to sleep,
Where did all my energy go?
It seemed like every ounce of strength I possessed was siphoned away by Giggles’ presence.
I became a mere shadow of myself, worn out and exhausted.
Until I finally made a difficult decision.