I got this as an @yesstyleinfluencers pick from @yesstyle and I am glad to have discovered this brand Manyo in general and this product in particular. The ingredient list explains pretty much why I find it very good for my combination skin.
It contains 93,69% Galactomyces Fermented Extract and 4% Niacinamide which prevents the formation of Melanin (responsible for hyper-pigmentation - my only skin concern at the moment). I use it in the evening, after the toner, but it's so lightweight and hydrating, that I actually don't need to use a toner before.
I haven't seen any whitening effects, but my spots are since quite a long time and I don't think they can be erased with cosmetic products. I used hidroquinone, but they came back. However, I simply like using this serum for the ingredients and for how my skin feels after. I travelled a lot these last days and sometimes I felt my skin very dehydrated, but in the evening, when I applied the serum, my skin felt good again.
I'd definitely like to try other products from this brand and I've seen that @yesstyle has a nice variety to choose from. If you're going to check them out, don't forget to use my discount code which brings you extra 2 or 5% off your order ?
Till we read again stay classy ?