The biggest problem of the unenlightened mind is wrong focus. To think that problems exist and then trying to solve them is the most stupid thing to do. This is samsara - the struggle for your feelings, ideas, and false sense of self. People take their feelings and states of mind too serious when they should change their focus from their imaginary inner and outer world to the true reality beyond concepts and illusions, to Amida Buddha and His Pure Land. When saying the Nembutsu you abandon the idea of trying to fix your samsaric mind. Inner or outer samsara can't be fixed, it can only be abandoned by changing the focus to what is true and real - Amida and His Name.
Although it is said within the dream of samsaric existence, the Name of Amida is the only element which does not belong to the dream, but to the world of awakening. It's like hearing sounds from the real world while you are still sleeping. Rather than focusing on the events of the dream, you should cling to the sound of awakening - NA MO A MI DA BU, NA MO A MI DA BU.... and wish to be born into the true Reality of the Pure Land.