I have never imagined that one day I will write
something against the Dalai Lama, and believe me that I find no joy
doing it now. Whenever I heard somebody criticizing him I used to
point out his good parts, especially his contribution to the
salvation of the Tibetan schools in exile, the printing and
spreading of various useful books, etc. However, what I saw today
shocked me and disgusted me so much that I realized keeping silence
would make me an accomplice to something terribly
Here is what happened! Please watch this video
carefully for at least ten times, as I myself
Yes, dear friends, the Dalai Lama is kissing a
child on his mouth, then he says “suck my tongue” and approaches
him in a perverse manner with his tongue out of his
I repeat and you can see this clearly in the video
- the Dalai Lama kissed a child on his mouth, said
“suck my tongue” and approached him with his tongue out of his
mouth! During this time, he laughed accompanied by a bunch of
irresponsible adults, nobody having the guts to simply stop him and
take the child out of there!
I cannot stop asking myself - was everyone there
out of their minds??? How can this be justified in any way, by
cultural differences or by saying it was a joke?How
can somebody find any excuses to an old man kissing a child on his
mouth and telling him “suck my tongue”! These words are clearly
audible in the video and everything is authentic. How can a sane
adult make such a joke to a child!
There is a limit, a red line that an adult must
never cross it and unfortunately the Dalai Lama has just crossed
it. Please tell me honestly, what kind of parent would allow an
adult to say to his child “suck my tongue” and approach him with
his tongue out of his mouth? How can some still refuse to see the
clear truth and deny this abomination?
Dear Dharma friends, this is NOT normal! Dear
Lamas in the Gelugpa school of Buddhism or those of you who are
close to him from other schools, including the Karmapa, the head of
Sakya and Nyngmapa, wake up and tell the Dalai Lama that he was
wrong! Tell him to issue an apology letter, then retire and never
appear in public if he is not in his right
Many nonbuddhists regard the Dalai Lama as the
public face of Buddhism. Of course, this is FALSE because he
actually represents only one school of Tibetan Buddhism – the
Gelugpas. However, this behavior places a very bad image on
Buddhism and I saw too many people today drawing false conclusions
about Buddhists and especially about Tibetan
Some honest questions naturally come about after
this shocking scene:
1) Is Dalai Lama a pervert attracted to children
because on that day he really acted like one.
2) If he did that in public and laughed like there
was no problem, how do we know he does not do more to children in
his private life? Child sexual abuse was mentioned by the young
Kalu Rinpoche (click here), so things like this really happened.
Don’t get insulted here! Yes, I know it’s the Dalai Lama so how can
I ask myself such a thing, but he raised the head of that kid,
kissed him on his mouth and told him “suck my tongue”! If he did it
now, how can we know this was the first time?
3) Is the Dalai Lama suffering from some kind of
mental illness due to advance old age? If this is true, then why
nobody dares to ask him to retire and spend the last days of his
life in some kind of spiritual retreat. Also, if he suffers from
mental illness then how can he be a Bodhisattva or Avalokitesvara
himself? A Bodhisattva must have a very clear and sharp
4) How can he be a true tulku/reincarnated
Bodhisattva/manifestation of Avalokitesvara/, if he behaves like
that? What kind of “crazy wisdom” or compassion is to try to put
his tongue in a child’s mouth? I repeat – A CHILD! How can a
realized Master say “suck my tongue” to a
I am not an example of morality, and I am not
trying to impose high moral standards to nowadays teachers and
masters, especially that we live in the Last Dharma Age (Mappo)
when the spiritual capacities of beings are extremely low. Thus, I
would not be shocked if I heard that the Dalai Lama was filmed
while drinking votca, for example, or partying all night, but doing
sexual gestures to a child is UNFORGIVABLE. As I said, there is a
red line for any normal human being and that is represented by
children! Nobody is allowed to sexualize and touch children in an
inappropriate manner.
As a devotee of Amida Buddha in this Last Dharma
Age, I am happy that my salvation does not depend on a human guru
or Master. Those who laughed at the disgusting pedophile gestures
of the Dalai Lama or who try to excuse them are unable to accept
that they and their idol are just ordinary people filled with blind
passions in desperate need of medical care and Amida’s
Far from me to deny the great Masters of the past
from the Vajrayana tradition or some really good contemporary
teachers as I myself am greatly inspired by them when I write about
general Buddhist teachings, so I hope this article is not wrongly
understood as a critique of the whole Tibetan Buddhism. I’m simply
trying to raise the alarm on this case because such a gesture is
doing harm to the image of Buddhism in general, especially if we
put the dirt under the carpet and pretend that nothing
Respectfully yours in Namo Amida