Muzeul Naţional al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti” organizează în
perioada 27 februarie – 8 martie 2017
târgul „De Mărţişor. Târg
cu tâlc...” care își propune promovarea vechiului
obicei al dăruirii, la început de primavară, a micilor obiecte
artizanale cu rol protector precum și a meșteșugului stimulând
creativitatea, originalitatea și inspirația ce dau naștere unor
mărțișoare deosebite.
Mărțișor is an old tradition celebrated all
over Romania every year, on March 1st.
The name Mărțișor is a diminutive of March (Martie in Romanian).
The name Mărțișor is a diminutive of March (Martie in Romanian).
It is believed that the person who wears the red and white
string would enjoy a prosperous and healthy year.
In modern times, and especially in urban areas, the Mărțișor
lost most of its talisman properties and became more a symbol of
friendship, love, appreciation and respect. The black threads were
replaced by red, but the delicate wool string is still a ‘cottage
industry’ among people in the countryside, who comb out the wool,
dye the floss, and twist it into thousands of tassels. In some
areas, the amulets are still made with black and white string, to
ward off evil.Related to Martisor and also symbol for spring in
Romania is the snowdrop flower.