The Path Between the Thorns - my spiritual autobiography

My spiritual life is nothing special and it does not deserve a book. However, I decided to write about it because I prefer to be the one who tells my own story and I think that some events of my missionary activity as well as my interactions with various peoples and institutions should be put on paper as long as they are still fresh in my mind.

I called this book The Path Between the Thorns because for me, the 18 years since I became a priest where a constant fighting and struggle against inner and outer obstacles placed in my way by my own delusions as well as proponents of wrong views. I am happy to say that despite all these, I have never lost my Path, and although the thorns sometimes hurt my feet, I always knew the right direction to take as Amida Buddha and the true teaching of Shakyamuni and the lineage Masters were always my guiding light.

There are some things in thi...