Too easy to be true for those too proud

Shinran Shonin said:

"Realization of true and real shinjin (faith in Amida)

Is rare in the defiled world of the last Dharma-age;

The witness of Buddhas countless as the sands of the Ganges

Reveals how difficult it is to attain ". [1]

Because people tend to dismiss the path of birth in the Pure Land through simple faith in Amida as being too easy to be true, all Buddhas give testimony to it, thus attesting to its effectiveness and utmost importance.

It’s like all Buddhas are saying in one voice: "don't disparage this Path of Nembutsu! We are also praising Amida's Name, so you should do the same!". Why do I say that all Buddhas praise Amida's Name? Because Amida himself promised in His 17th Vow: "all Buddhas will praise my Name".
Why not saying a Name that all Buddhas praise and why not follow a Path so simple that al Buddhas recommend?

Amida Buddha offers us the easiest Path out of samsara but many will miss it due to their illusory dreams of spiritual greatness.

[1]Shinran Shonin, Hymns of the Dharma Ages(Shozomatsu Wasan)

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