• Postat în Life
  • la 30-07-2011 14:49
  • 263 vizualizări (REZULTATE) (SITE OFICIAL)
Am reusit sa castig aceasta competitie cu greu...avandu-i adversari pe Pepe si dl Nicolae Stroescu.
Pentru prima data cand particip la un concurs de orientare pe mtb,ma bucur ca asta sa intamplat la concursul organizat de Radu Milea si Gabi Solomon.Mi-a placut foarte mult mediatizarea facuta la radio si in revistele sportive... (YOUTUBE) (REVISTA ALERG)
Ma simt mandru ca am avut ocazia sa concurez la aceeasi categorie cu dl dr Stroescu.Nici nu visam la aceasta ocazie...
Multumesc dl Marian Chiriac si revistei "ALERG" pentru gestul facut,multumiri lui Radu,cu bicicleta lui am concurat.
Organizare perfecta,felicitari!!!
Premiile superbe.
Un traseu foarte interesant,2 greseli destul de importante...
Singura problema a fost "iubita" padure Baneasa,plina de desis si urzici,de la luna la luma mai deasa si murdara devine!
I succeeded to win this hard competition...having Pepe and Mr. Nicolae Stroescu as enemies. This was the first time when I ever participated at an orienteering competition on MTB. I'm glad that this happened at the contest organized by Radu Milea and Gabi Solomon. I liked very much the publicity on radio and in sports magazines.
I feel proud that I had the opportunity to compete in the same category with Mr. Stroescu. I didn't even dreamed at this opportunity.
Thanks to Mr. Marian Chiriac and "ALERG" magazine for the beck, thanks to Radu... I competed with his bicycle.
It was a perfect organization, congratulations!!!
Great prizes.
It was a very interesting route, I had two big mistakes..
The only problem was our "sweet" Baneasa forest, full of thicket and nettles, from month to month more thicker and dirty!

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