in Amidado (Hall of Amida)
Rev Oku Kyokai of Zuikoji temple in Osaka visited Amidaji to renew
our long Dharma friendship. He is the one who offered the statue we
keep in Amidado (Amida Hall), the scroll in the library and various
ritual objects. Almost all the robes and kesa I have here were
kindly offered by him, including the two that I am wearing in the
[1]. I
also offered him copies of my books in English.
Rev Oku belongs to Nishi Hongwanji but this is not
obstacle to our friendship. I and Amidaji is opened for
collaboration and friendly relations with all people who respect
our conservative and orthodox style. Rev Kobai too, a Nishi
Hongwanji priest and scholar, is my friend. I also haven’t
interrupted my friendship and letter exchange with other priests in
the same branch.
Religious service in the Amidado (Hall of
Rev Kyokai, Rev Josho and Athena, our friend and
who wonder why I or lay teachers at Amidaji sometimes wear kesa
with Hongwanji crest should know that it is because I received them
as gifts, and being a poor priest I do not afford to buy or create
new ones with Amidaji crest. Also, according to our Constitution,
Amidaji has a traditional connection with Hongwanji and is actually
a continuation of everything that is good in Hongwanji. Perhaps one
day we’ll have our own kesa with Amidaji crest, but until then we
don’t mind the ones with the wisteria flower, which is also
representing Shinran’s family, and we are of Shinran’s family too,
because we faithfully follow his teachings.