Want vs. Have To

  • Postat în Life
  • la 01-09-2016 09:05
  • 338 vizualizări
Want vs. Have To
Imaginea este preluată automat împreună cu articolul de pe Baaobaab's Blog

Thing is like this: if you want to go to fishing, you must have money. If you wanna have money, you have to work.

That’s all about: “want” is determined by “should”. You want a clean house? You have to clean it. Want clean plates? You have to wash them. You want to be happy? You have to work on this goal. Want a better life? You have to organize yourself.

That “want” is a result of fulfillment of “have to”‘s. Nothing just falls from the sky out of the blue, nothing happens without some of what you need.

I see a lot of people disappointed by how their lives came to ~ 30 years, because they believed that even at this age are already riding high, will have better jobs, more money, 2-3 houses, 2-3 children and other things ranging from “I want”. The problem is that, somewhere along the way, the link between the two is lost. I want to have something, but I don’t understand that I have to work for that something. Somewhere in the back of the brain, there is this idea, but not very popular, because work is “so-so”.

via @weheartit.com

Once we realize work is just a way to reach something else, we all will work happier.

Original idea by zoso.ro

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