Words for everyday life

fragment from my book
Worshipping Amida Buddha - Liturgies
and Ceremonies of Amidaji Temple

These are the words that I say every morning after waking up and during the night when going to bed. It is how I begin and end my day. They are not poetic, but simple and direct. My mental capacities being very limited I especially composed these simple sayings so that I can easily remember them. I also say them during the day when I am too busy to do anything else:

Amida Buddha, I take refuge in you and say your Name in faith.

Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu.

May all beings join me in taking refuge in you and saying your Name in faith.

Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu.

Amida Buddha, I wish to be born in your Land of Peace and Bliss.

Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu.

May all beings join me and wish to be born in your Land of Peace and Bliss.

Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu.

Amida Buddha, thank you for saving us as we are.

Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu

These words are in accord with the three recquirements of the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha: „entrust to me, say my Name and wish to be born in my land”. By aspiring that all beings join me in taking refuge in Amida, saying His Name in faith and wishing to be born in His Pure Land I invite them to be in accord with the Primal Vow. Its good to say these words as you never know who else, beside Amida Buddha, is hearing you.

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