We are the reason for our suffering, our thoughts, actions which are being manifested. But then, because if it was someone-else how many of them shall we blame and exclude from our lives.
But.. 'ITS ME'... So I can have control on me.. and this awareness Is the first key to the transformation and when you are ready for transformation, it is important to be patient and more perseverance is required. When we start creating our own reality, we fix it with our own timing.. we are used to instant gratification ..
Universe has its own timing,, it works with a natural flow of time. Every creation has a natural gestation period, including all the desires you have. To pro-create, to manifest, be Detached from the timing at all.
TRUST that what you want wants you, but it is the timing of the Universe and not your timing, hence cheers to patience and trust, align yourself to the rhythm and timing of Universe..
Be in tune with the Universe friends.. for a wonderful transformation from caterpillar to butterfly.