Articole postate de Claudiu Degeratu

  • Winter... 195


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  • Centenar... 203

    La multi ani !...

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  • De Centenar intram in era populismului... 207

    Nu conteaza cati psdisti au fost la miting, daca au venit fortati sau nu la Bucuresti sau daca au inteles despre ce a fost vorba. Eu cred ca oamenii au fost toti constienti ca vin pentru PSD, si-au asumat tot ce au spus liderii partidului si ca si-au confirmat asteptarile. Mai important este modelul PSD […]

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  • Julia Kristeva... 197

    Bulgaria Says French Thinker Was a Secret Agent. She Calls It a ‘Barefaced Lie.’ By JENNIFER SCHUESSLER and BORYANA DZHAMBAZOVA Julia Kristeva, at 76, is one of Europe’s most decorated public intellectuals. Her more than 30 books have covered topics including linguistics, psychoanalysis, literary theory and feminism. Her many prestigious honors include the Vaclav Havel Prize, […]

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  • Sean Penn scriitor... 201

    Sean Penn’s debut novel – repellent and stupid Back in the heady days of 2015, it was thought that singer and eternal tester of patience Morrissey had taken the bad celebrity novel to the limit in List of the Lost, when his “bulbous salutation” simultaneously put everyone off both books and sex. But now Morrissey’s […]

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  • Un clopot cât o naţiune... 275

    Preşedinţia se ocupă de proiectul de ţară. Patriarhia se ocupă de proiectul de neam. Iar clopotul se ocupă de naţiune. Când va bate, ne vom trezi… Ca sa ma exprim extrem de incorect poltic. Observ ca proiectul de tara nu mai are sanse sa se nasca dar cu siguranta vom avea materializat proiectul Catedralei Neamului. […]

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  • Omul lor din Havana... 239

    How Russia Recruited Ernest Hemingway By Nicholas Reynolds One day in New York, in the winter of 1940-1941, a Soviet spy named Jacob Golos recruited Ernest Hemingway “for our work.” Golos was a colorful old Bolshevik, a lifelong revolutionary who had escaped from czarist banishment by walking from Siberia to China. Golos eventually settled on the […]

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  • Să ne trăiţi ! Conducător iubit !... 255

    Mihaela Nicola în 2014 FP: Ca în orice mare organizaţie, multe lucruri depind de orientarea strategică imprimată de viziunea liderilor. Cum se vede leadership-ul instituţional al SRI din afara instituţiei? MN: Ţinuta intelectuală a domnului Maior, statura diplomatică a domniei sale şi felul în care acesta a modelat profilul instituţiei, preocupările academice şi parteneriatele internaţionale […]

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  • Cu atentie... 261

    The Art of Paying Attention– Why we need critics to think about power and how it works. By Michelle Dean Not too long ago I saw, on the internet, a photograph of a very small baby raccoon sitting on a road. And the caption read: “when u realize u dont want 2 be responsible for […]

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  • De la clasici... 250

    Making Athens Great Again By Rebecca Newberger Goldstein What happens when a society, once a model for enlightened progress, threatens to backslide into intolerance and irrationality—with the complicity of many of its own citizens? How should that society’s stunned and disoriented members respond? Do they engage in kind, resist, withdraw, even depart? It’s a dilemma […]

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