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    Marius G.Mihalache Michel

    My name is Marius, but all everybody calls me Michel. I live in Bucharest, Romania, and i was born in 1968. I am photographer, musician, sound designer, director of photography... and I love all these things. Little Prince, The Beatles and a Smena camera... they were my first three steps in this life...

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Articole postate de Marius G.Mihalache Michel

  • A recording with my uncle since 1975... 264

    • Arta
    • 11-12-2017 14:39

    1975 - Popescu Bebe - Am gresit Popescu Bebe (b.1947- d.2017) A recording with my uncle since 1975. (source: Reel to reel - Philips EL3552) ...

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  • Late Night Thoughts & Chaos In Three... 269

    • Arta
    • 02-11-2017 18:21

    I’m an insomniac dreamer and reality kills the dream that I can not sleep.July 2016,3Full versions of songs:mgmmichel.atavist.com/late_night_thoughtsmgmmichel.atavist.com/chaos-in-threePIANO IMPROVISATION BY MARIUS G.MIHALACHE MICHEL*Definitions of three:Equivalent to the sum of one and two - one more than two = 3Definitions of chaos:A dynamical system exhibits chaos if it has solutions that appear to be quite random and the solutions exhibit sensitive dependence on initial conditions.**“We live in a rainbow of chaos”. Paul Cezanne

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  • Advice for Roland XP50/60/80 users (*.svq files)... 267

    • Arta
    • 25-09-2017 22:27

    Roland XP50 Workstation Advice !!! For those who still have/made music in SVQ file format on a Roland XP50/60/80 music workstation - the only (win)software that converts SVQ files in the standard midi format (MID) is 'AWAVE Studio' - http://www.fmjsoft.com/

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  • The Circle... 345

    • Arta
    • 02-02-2015 10:32

    THE CIRCLE by Marius G.Mihalache Michel on Mixcloud ...

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