• Sun Flower... 274

       Sun Flower,  colier floarea soarelui realizat integral din lână merinos împâslită manual Se poate comanda aici:  http://www.jasminefeltart.com/shop/necklacecoliere/sun-flower/ ...

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  • Doar pe www.jasminefeltart.com primeşti o pereche de cercei gratuit! 260

    Achiziţionează un colier la alegere şi primeşti gratuit o pereche de cercei asortaţi! Campanie valabilă în perioada: 24.07-08.08.2015 Comandă aici: www.jasminefeltart.com ...

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  • Abigail Zodiac... 153

    I decided I should do a zodiac with my little princesses. So far I did about 5 pendants, I didn't have time to take pictures of the entire batch because 2 of them sold almost immediately. However, I did managed to take pictures of these three cute little pendants.Btw, I'm also having a giveaway, you can win your own zodiac pendant, custom made to reflect you, along with a surprise gift. Just check out my Facebook Page.But back to the pendants. I used a brass base and a brass chain for each of them. They are made with resin, polymer clay and painted with acrylic paint.

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  • Colier "Color Chart"... 287

    Colier multicolor cu accesorii din fetru, lemn și pietre semiprețioase. Poate fi comandat aici: http://www.jasminefeltart.com/shop/necklac...

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  • Cum sa luati masuri precise in croitorie... 165

    http://www.missart-moda.it/come_prendere_le_misure.html Subscribe in a reader ...

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  • Colier "My choice"... 275

    Colier "My Choice"- colier multicolor cu accesorii din fetru, lemn și pietre semi-prețioase în forme geometrice diferite, puse pe fir auriu de ață mouline Îl poți comanda aici: http://www.jasminefeltart.com/shop/necklacecoliere/my-choice/

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  • -20% reducere in noul magazin online www.jasminefeltart.com/shop 273

    Astăzi proiectul JASMINE FELTART împlinește 3 ani de la înființare și tot astăzi lansăm oficial website-ul www.jasminefeltart.com Cu această ocazie v-am pregătit o surpriză! -20% REDUCERE pentru prima comandă făcută în noul magazin online www.jasminefeltart.com/shop Introduceți codul SUMMER în partea finală a coșului de cumpărături! Cuponul de reducere este valabil în perioada 1.07.2015-10.07.2015! www.jasminefeltart.com

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  • More Cats!... 145

    It's cat season so I made more cats and have a lot more prepared to post. Here are two adorable cats for people who like their cats with unusual colors. So we have a neon green cat, a dark green cat and a pink one. Aren't they adorable? 

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  • Simple Stud Earrings... 157

    I wanted to make some simple stud earrings so I came up with these flowery things. I will certainly make some more because they were so much fun to make. I love the fact that they seem quite simple from the distance but very intricate when someone comes closer.

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  • Tiny Brooch... 151

    I made this cute little girl brooch for a summer outfit. I wanted to use a lovely shade of blue and I really like the dark yellow I used for her hair. She reminds me of a Disney princess or a pixelated character from a retro game.

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