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- Fotografie
- 01-03-2016 09:53
Citește mai departeAparent este un birou, dar blatul este impartit in 3 si ascunde oglinzi. Spatiul de sub blat este impartit cu diverse traverse si permite depozitarea obiectelor necesare ingrijirii unei femei. Deci, ziua birou, seara masa de toaleta. :)In aceeasi camera de afla un pat mare cu tablia de la cap tapitata si 2 noptiere.Palul folosit este de 18 mm grosime, negru si accesorii Blum.
Citește mai departeKLANGSEDIMENT - SCHATTENSPUR SOUND SEDIMENT - SHADOW TRAIL the imaginative and fantastic title of the latest art show organized under the auspices of the Graphik-Collegium Berlin e.V. The show's creative and (almost enigmatic) title subtly heralds the crisscross of con
Citește mai departeAceasta bucatarie este extrem de eleganta, utila si foarte...alba. :) Palul de 18 mm grosime are culoarea perlei. Blatul se evidentiaza cu cateva nuante de maro. Toate elementele folositoare din bucatarie sunt incorporate: hota, chiuveta, plita si cuptorul, masina de spalat rufe. Cantul de pe margini: ABS la culoare cu materialul.Accesoriile au marca Blum.
Citește mai departe....pentru ca se apropie ziua martisorului...... martisor tip brosa din fetru... ...
Citește mai departeI've been working with this concept of a powerful woman image that I want to add to my jewelry. There's nothing political about it, I just want women to feel proud and empowered when they wear my pieces, or make others feel strong when they offer them as gifts. So these particular pieces have been recreated and reshaped and remade to the point that I feel a bit nauseous when I think about the process. But I'm still trying to find a perfect face that would express a woman being content, happy, strong and mysterious. Still working on that and when I find that perfect face I'm going to make a series of pendants or brooches that can be customized with other details. I also want them to have a bit of an Art Nouveau feel to them, like the carved pendants that were popular in the 19th century. For now I'll just leave you with some of the ones I've come up with during this process. As you can see green is my favorite color :)
Citește mai departeSunt dese clipele cand toate le am Zambet in privire, tacere, liniste sufleteasca. Amalgam Minunate simtiri, frumoasa a mea poveste Invaluita in mister si fericirea in plin ma loveste. Si am avut ieri, am acum, si voi avea si maine Bucuria in suflet si zambetul pe buze si in privire, Exista acolo dintotdeauna sa-mi aline Un cantec de reghin chitara. Potrivire!
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