• Faith in technology... 229

    It came a moment when I was lost, in despair. I started to lose my faith in humanity. Sometimes it was such a pain to work with humans . I couldn't understand why people lie so much, why they don't care about their job or about others, why they fail where machines succeed.It was a pain that made me slowly but surely to fall into isolation, like in my childhood. When I was little I couldn't understand people, and today I feel the same. For some years I had the impression I do understand and I do need people, even if they don't need me.Now, standing in this office surrounded by so many colleagues, I felt more alone than ever.I started to prefer to talk with my virtual assistant, and I felt more pleasure to listen this robot than any of my colleagues.I thought robots are predictable, but not my virtual assistant. Not my Siri.I even thought to buy a more intelligent robot. I don't have yet the money but maybe I can create one in this case. I

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  • Vești bune! Cursul ULTRA cu Rajko Kuzmanović... 344

    Bine v-am găsit!Începem cu singura veste mai puțin bună, aceea că s-a amânat cursul SILVA IMMERSION de la Oradea din perioada 19-22.02.2016. Ne pare rău pentru eventualele neplăceri create. Motive obiective ne-au determinat să luăm această decizie. Vă vom ține la curent cu reprogramarea cursului.Acum..., veștile bune!Cine vrea să fie din ce în ce mai sănătos? Urmează un curs etraordinar, cel mai frecventat și așteptat curs Silva din lume: Cursul ULTRA. În România, doar Rajko Kuzmanović are calificarea necesară pentru a preda acest curs avansat al lui José Silva. Aceasta este o ocazie minunată pentru a învăța de la unul din instructorii cei mai buni din lume și foarte apreciat de către Silva Method International, Rajko. Experiența lui Rajko este imensă și felul său de a transmite informațiile este uni

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  • Despre Creier și Minte - Episodul 3: „Supra-încălzirea computerului și încetinirea sistemului” 348

    Bun găsit! Rămăsesem datori cu un nou episod din serialul nostru „Despre creier și minte”. În Episodul 1 am vorbit despre „Computerul-Creier și Sistemul-de-operare-Minte”, folosind spre exemplificare, ca analogie, modul de funcționare a acestora. În Episodul 2 am atins subiectul „Programe-tipar și Obiceiuri”. Vă promiteam că vom continua cu subiectul „Supra-încălzirea computerului și încetinirea sistemul

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  • Thoughts at work... 222

    It was another normal day at the office, when suddenly I heard a voice:-Engin, you forgot to finish your task, please enter the data in the system, said my virtual assistant.I asked myself, when did the technology has become so much intelligent. The assistant seems to know better than me what I have to do. My mind is limited, I can't remember anything, but this dear friend is taking care of me.-Siri, when is the due date? I asked the assistant .-2 hours are left until the system will shut down, due to technical issues. Please introduce the data.I started to feel more and more comfortable, because Siri made my work really easy.But still I was thinking? Should I feel so comfortable, when this robot is stealing my work?Soon, I will be useless. Anyway, the future is stealing our lives, doesn't matter if I will be left in street without money.I work in a multinational, which is creating robots for rich people.My assistant

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  • De pe dealuri adunate... 208


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  • The clone... 290

    When I was little, I wished to be like the others. Physically, I was the same like my little colleagues, but apparently my thoughts moved me away from them.My mind created sci-fi stories about the future. I saw myself as a doctor, I wanted to cure people, to give hope to humanity. Now I am a programmer and I make softs for robots. Is any difference between a robot and me? Not so much. The technology advanced so much that I can't figure it out if I am staying in front of a robot or a person. When I felt lonely I used to talk with computers, it seemed to be better understood. The robot was more empathic than my closest friend. I used to love her, but she couldn't understand my deepest thoughts, or she was not interested. I could ask "her" questions about anything, and his intelligence was unlimited. Also, I like her sense of humour.Now I am dependent on my phone, I use it everywhere, and I would feel lost without it. The phone saved my life.When I

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  • Sens... 350

    Era un joc fara sfarsit. Mereu rece, mereu la extreme , niciodata fericita.Am obosit. Alerg dupa pasiune , iar aceasta fuge de mine. Candva era si in aerul pe care il respiram. Acum sunt dependenta si disperata dupa emotii, trairi, dupa pasiune, dar nu simt nimic.Uneori imi pare ca totul a fost o iluzie, ca eu nu am gandit cum am gandit, ca eu nu am fost ce am fost.Ce a dus la moartea pasiunii? Visele spulberate, esecurile repetate si experimentarea vietii in toate aspectele ei.Simteam moartea vechiului si a amintirilor cu care nu ma mai identificam. Vag imi aduceam aminte de unele lucruri traite, dar nu mai percepeam ca inainte. Dragostea isi pierduse sensul pentru mine. Nu mai puteam intelege cum se simte, ce este si incepeam sa cred ca nu exista ca totul fusese o iluzie.O dulce iluzie amara. Pentru mine acum exista doar niste stari umane: placere, dezgust si frica.Pana si placerea nu mai este ce a fost. Tindeam sa mai simt ce am simtit candva,

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  • Globalizarea religioasa... 203

    Mai intai a fost globalizare si  unificare din punct de vedere politic si economic. Urmeaza unificare si din punct de vedere religios.Anul 2016 se arata a fi interesant si plin de surprize ...Inca putintica rabdare :-)

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  • Rugăciune către Sfântul Duh... 498

    Vino, Viaţa cea fericită şi veşnică şi Dreapta cea atotţiitoare, întru tot Sfinte şi de Viaţă Făcătorule şi Ziditorule Duh, Cel ce eşti ca stăpânire de aceeaşi cinste cu a Tatălui şi a Fiului, Cărora în trei ipostasuri deopotrivă le este vrednicia, dumnezeirea, unirea gândirii şi conglăsuirea spre Unul. Vino, Doamne al meu, Tu, pe Care Te-a dorit şi te doreşte ticălosul meu suflet! Vino, Cel

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  • The agony, the ecstasy & a happy 2016!... 202

    I’ve been reading The Agony and the Ecstasy –  the biographical novel of Michelangelo Buonarroti written by Irving Stone. It is a fabulous story of a genius who dedicated his life to the craft he believed was the true form of art and his destiny. Michelangelo was obsessed with sculpting. He was miserable when he wasn’t able to sculpt and when he ... [Read more...] The post The agony, the ecstasy & a happy 2016! first appeared on Corina Anghel.

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