• Time... 38

    • Moda
    • 24-06-2024 15:36

    What is time but our planet’s movement around its star,And the star’s movement in its galaxy? We fantasize about time travel, But the truth is We’re too small in the face of the Universe to change its laws. Our only chance is to move forward, Because the Universe moves forward. Time is this social construct that we invented for ourselves to make sense of it better, But in reality It will be here with or without us, For as long as the Universe exists. ~~~~~~~~~~ From my new book of poetry Despair and Hope (2004), page 93.

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  • The Solstice... 73

    • Moda
    • 21-06-2024 13:21

    They say summer starts today.Today is the longest day. I sit on my porch and soak in the sun, Up until the very last moment of it, Till the last bit of sunshine. The last sunrays of the day gently kiss my skin. It’s always a glorious day, The longest day. There is only one sour note about the longest day of the year – All the other days are inevitably shorter. But the sweet note is that there are still many sunny days ahead, And I will embrace them all. The days after the solstice may go shorter, But the summer goes ripe once its longest day is over. ~~~~~~~~~

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  • Noua mea carte de poezii “Despair and Hope”, acum pe Amazon 62

    • Moda
    • 31-05-2024 18:31

    Dragii mei prieteni si cititori, astazi sunt foarte incantata sa anunt publicarea noii mele carti de poezii Despair and Hope, care acum este disponibila pe Amazon in editie tiparita, in Canada, SUA, Marea Britanie, unele tari din Europa Continentala, Australia, Japonia. Editia ebook Kindle a cartii urmeaza sa fie publicata in iunie 2024.

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  • My New Book of Poetry "Despair and Hope", Available on Amazon 52

    • Moda
    • 31-05-2024 03:30

    My dear friends and readers, I am extremely happy and excited to share some great news with you today – my new book of poetry, Despair and Hope, has just been released. The book was published in May 2024 and is available on Amazon in Canada, the US, the UK, Continental Europe, Australia, Japan. The Kindle ebook edition of Despair and Hope will be released this coming June 2024. About the book Despair and Hope by Canadian writer and poet Victoria West is a collection of poetry dedicated to our human spirit and resilience. It’s a book inspired by the current post-pandemic times we live in. The poems reflect the social unrest of recent years, such as culture wars, the war in Ukraine, the post-pandemic struggles of humanity. Part I, “Despair”, captures a range of darker feelings and emotions, which are brought back to light in Part II, “Hope”.

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  • Cum integrez în ținutele mele un tricou oversize Guess, pentru damă 231

    • Moda
    • 13-05-2024 14:43

    Tricourile oversize sunt în continuare la modă și au devenit un element de bază în garderoba oricărei femei. Acestea oferă confort și stil în același timp, fiind potrivite pentru diferite ocazii și activități. Un tricou oversize Guess este o piesă perfectă pentru a-ți exprima personalitatea și pentru a crea ținute moderne și relaxate. Look casual […] The post Cum integrez în ținutele mele un tricou oversize Guess, pentru damă first appeared on BellaDiva.

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  • OOTD | Tinuta de primavara cu Bonprix... 235

    • Moda
    • 24-04-2024 10:36

     Zilele trecute am profitat ca a revenit vremea buna si am scos in lume ce m-am comandat de pe Bonprix. Aveam in wishlist doua produse iar pe al treilea l-am pus spontan in cos vazand ca e la reducere.

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  • POEM: Inspiration... 145

    • Moda
    • 14-04-2024 01:20

    She’s a lovely but moody lady.She doesn’t come to me when I call her, Or when it’s a good time for me to write. She only comes to me when she pleases. My book depends on her, literally. There wouldn’t be a book if it weren’t for her. So, I learned to listen to her when she wants to speak up. I learned to make her creating mood work for me. I treat her with coffee and cookies when she makes an appearance. We sit together at the table when she visits, And we start writing. I absorb every word she says, And I let her lead the way. ~~~~~~~~~~ From my book of poetry Sunset in Toronto, page 122.

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  • POEM: The Emperor's New Clothes... 107

    • Moda
    • 05-04-2024 14:27

    The emperor decides to update his wardrobe.He hires two tailors for the job. Apparently, they are the best tailors in the kingdom. Everybody raves about them. The tailors arrive at the palace. Work starts with no delay. But there is a catch. Only the worthy can wear the magnificent robes created by the skillful tailors. If you are unworthy, it will not fit. Work in progress. The council comes to see how it goes. But every time a courtier checks on the tailors, They squirm uncomfortably in the shop. What is going on here? Am I seeing things? Do my eyes deceiv

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  • POEM: Poetry... 125

    • Moda
    • 03-04-2024 18:22

    I sit at my desk,An open notebook in front of me. My fingers tremble with anticipation. The blank page stares back at me, A canvas yearning for the brushstrokes of my words. I close my eyes, Seeking solace in the depths of my thoughts, Where emotions intertwine and memories whisper. And then, like an ethereal muse, inspiration begins to bloom. Words dance in my mind, waiting to be brought together on the white page. I grasp my pen, And I let the ink flow freely, Like a river finding its course. Sentences form, weaving a tapestry of emotions and experiences. Each word, carefully selected, holds the weight of my feelings, my longing, my pain. It is in this sacred space that I find solace, Where my heart spills onto the page and transforms into poetry.

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  • Happy Easter!... 170

    • Moda
    • 31-03-2024 18:30

    Today is a beautiful spring day. It's sunny and bright. A gorgeous blue sky with playful clouds. It's a mild tempretaure today, 7 degrees Celsius. And it's Easter Sunday. Easter is a time of the year when Mother Nature fully awakens from her winter slumber. Nature doesn't wake up from her deep sleep instantly, but rather she takes time in stages to come back to life. To me, the very first sign of spring is March 1st, the first calendaristic day of spring. The winter months are over, and March is the month that officially marks the beginning of spring. Then the daylight saving hour comes along during the second weekend of March -- in North America at least. We move the clocks one hour ahead to make a better use of the daylight. Now we SEEM to have longer days, the afternoons are

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