• You... 282

    How many coloursTo blend in your smileHow many eyesFor a glimpse of your styleHow many wordsFor your questioning whyAnd how many wingsGonna reach you that high...So many questionsAre driving me blueYet only one answer - One word, only: YOU!Copyright ©2009 Gabriel Ghimpu

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  • The second of a raven's eye... 271

    by: Luminita Mihai( translated from Romanian by Gabriel G)An unseen hand knocks on my windowI feel its tender perfume of flower and of rainAnd it seems to me the city carrying the houses on its shoulderIs running towards a future winterWhen all things are the same as at the beginningClean, untouched by any breathIt seems to me that crying canesAre walking with no legless cripples on the streetsThat none other live here but laundry on the wireAnd flat silent spades without diggersExchanging whispers, and one can hearThe light hanging on the lamp postAn unseen hand knocks on my windowSmashing the second on the pavementAs an over ripe melonI feel its tender perfume of flower and rainAnd two black raven's eyes stare at me through the glazing.Copyright ©2009 Luminita Mihai

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  • September as a wager... 289

    by: Luminita Mihai( translated from Romanian by Gabriel G)I wish I'd die on the first of SeptemberWhen autumn marks grades in the class booksAnd the rains of chalk are fallingOn the giddy girls' laughterThen my body hungry shall beBy the clay's embrace - supremeAs of a last and too beautiful loverThat lacks the knowledge of the leaf's theoremTo know the sextons hang by themselves(alone)With a pint of rotgut by the right footSo much more and deeper SeptemberA rusty groom shall embrace meAnd let the silence be in equationsAnd the reports be seen with mercyAnd-garrulous-dropping their satchels on the sidewalksMay the children have passed their examsI love the first of September as a stationI never in the least have reached - delayed Each time the city shakes its skirts of rainI'm ready to bet: so it shall be!Copyright ©2009 Luminita Mihai

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  • ... 299


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  • Tracking... 293


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  • ... 322


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  • Septembrie 11 ( bocet)... 329

    SEPTEMBRIE 11(Bocet) Dură dare de dureri N-ar fi de n-ar fi căderi Din adânc până-n tării În uitare de Marii Din tării până-n abis Dorul dorului promis În doinitul doinelor La-nvârtitul horelor . . . Zbor ucis în necuvinte Sânge negru de părinte Sângerând asemene Două umbre „Gemene”.

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  • Vis de iarnă... 371

    Într-un ciorchine malform Roboteşte un vierme Eu dorm Pe sub derme Visând cam confuzInele de carneÎntr-un spaţiu difuzSub lucarneVânzolind prin tunele lacustreTârcolind osaturaUnor feţe ilustreMursecând naturaMicrocurenţi electrici agiliAlunecă rupţi de timpPrin sinapse-adormiteReceptaculi fragiliSperiate termite

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  • Dash Berlin... 397

    Dash Berlin este un trio ce produce muzica trance, si provine bine-inteles din tara-mama a acestui stil muzical, Germania.Dj-ul Jeffrey Sutorius este frontman-ul grupului, alaturi de ceilalti doi membrii producatori, Eelke Kalberg si Sebastiaan Molijn, insa omul de baza al band-ului este Sutorius.De-a lungul infiintarii proiectului Dash Berlin, producatorii si-au asigurat prezenta in topuri nu doar datorita albumelor de succes, ci si a remixurilor si colaborarilor cu diversi artisti de seama din lumea muzicii electronice: Tiesto, Armin van Buuren, Vantem, Depeche Mode etc.Remixes/Hits and singles:

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  • Nadia Ali - Embers... 409

    Track listing:1. Fantasy 2. Triangle 3. People4. Crash and Burn5. Ride With Me6. Not Thinking7. Be Mine8. Silver Lining9. Point The Finger10.Mistakes11.Fine Print12.Promises13.Love storyDownload here

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