• Watchmen (2009) Watch Full Movie... 260

    With its basic themes, structure and apocalyptic vibe intact, Watchmen turns out to be quite filmable after all, and its stylish highlights trump any quibbles.. I think Snyder and his writers channel moments of the humanity and humor that's always present in Moore's work.. Watchmen the movie provides ample evidence that more is more, but less might have been closer to Moore in spirit (that is, anarchic, witty and compelling).. ... A bizarrely bleak blockbuster, as director Zack Snyder ("300") tu... 0409459

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  • ... 265

     O frică patologică de această teamă îmi umple sternul până la înăbușire. E-un paradox din care nu-mi pot găsi ieșirea decât prin moarte.  Prin moartea a tot ce am strâns până acum;   Îl numesc reflex de argint, pe cel... Continue Reading →

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  • Signs (2002) Download Full... 243

    Turns out to have few thoughts and no thrills.. A refreshing summer movie.. The movie is almost completely lacking in suspense, surprise and consistent emotional conviction.. A complex story told with assurance and performed with quiet conviction, Signs smoothly and stylishly blends scares and substance.. Shyamalan wants to be the metaphysical poet of movies, but he's dangerously close to becoming its O. Henry.. There's plenty here that testifies to Shyamalan's exceptional talent.. Ultimately, S... 0286106

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  • Inconstient.... 252

    Ce faci cand nu te mai regasesti? Cand in loc de iubire in inima gasesti gol si incepi iar sa cauti farame, raze sau orice indicii ce iti pot readuce simtiri?. Te minti, te alini cu minciunile pe care ti le creezi in minte si fugi. Fugi de potentiala iubire ce ti-o doresti, fugi de rau, fugi de bine, fugi in ceneral de tot ce crezi ca ar putea astupa golul ce-ti urmareste sufletul.Atat de ratacit, incat nici vinul ce-l dau uitarii nu-si mai face efectul. Stagneaza o senzatie de trecut ce nu-mi lasa viitor sa pasesca spre ceea ce doreste. Mi-s obosite gandurile si ochii si degetele si pielea isi pierde usor din simtiri. Mereu iti spui ca ai sa pleci si ai sa lasi tot si o sa incepi sa devii tu, liber si ambtios si poate atunci vei redeveni tu, cel pe care il stiam, cel ce stia sa primeasca caldura unui nou suflet si sa o mentina cu toate puterile lui.

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  • Dana care scrie frumos... 266

    Ca orice suflet, m-am dat de multe ori peste cap și am aterizat diferit în fața oamenilor din viața mea. Foștii colegi de școală generală își aduc aminte într-un mod vivid pasiunea mea pentru culoarea roz. Mai târziu, cei care m-au cunoscut în liceu au făcut-o fie la evenimentele pe care le organizam după anotimpurile gândurilor mele de adolescentă, fie în Cărturești, ascultând Alexandrina Hristov și vorbind despre Paris. Cei cărora m-am prezentat câțiva ani mai târziu mă tot întreabă ce mai face Tibi și dacă mi-am luat pisică. Pentru fiecare dintre ei am fost pe rând "Dana cu rochiță", "Dana romantică", "Dana îndrăgostită", după anii care au trecut peste fiecare vis de-al meu ascuns bine în cele două gropițe simetrice din obraji.Însă, pentru toți cei care m-au cunoscut, dincolo de mine de-atunci, cea care a dat o singură mână prinsă în sute de feluri de atâția oameni, stau eu, "Dana care scrie frumos", așa cum m-a numit o fostă colegă, surprinsă că mă vede după prea mult timp.

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  • Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) Download Full... 274

    It's the first of the agonizing Resident Evil movies that could remotely be considered fun.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. The story and characters are surprisingly engaging, with fight scenes and scares effectively placed between plot turns.. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. This is the single best movie I have ev... 0432021

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  • Avatar (2009) Watch Full Movie... 312

    For video gamers and fun-seeking geeks, those puny objections will be flattened beneath the titanic technical achievement.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. I had the feeling coming out of this movie that I haven't felt since maybe I was eleven years old in 1977 and I saw Star Wars for the first time.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Tha... 0499549

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  • Cooties (2014) Watch Streaming... 274

    Though based on a comics series launched in 1969, "Guardians" comes on with a hip, absurdist humor that feels thoroughly modern.. In place of wit, "Guardians" offers a sort of generalized willingness to be amusing, an atmosphere of high spirits that feels like lots of people pumping air into a tire that has a hole in it.. An energizing juggernaut until its seemingly inexhaustible ensemble cast members are outpaced by their respective characters' quirks.. While directors Jonathan Milott and Cary ... 2490326

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  • Death Race (2008) Play Movie... 267

    As hard as metal and just as dumb, Paul W.S. Anderson's Death Race couldn't be further from producer Roger Corman and director Paul Bartel's goofy, bloody 1975 original, Death Race 2000.. Journey may be an utterly weightless movie, but in the end it floats rather nicely.. The movie gets its own Mad Max mojo working, but there's no real attempt at social commentary here -- these churls just want to have fun.. A popcorn movie that delivers precisely what it promises. The dialogue is tepid and the ... 0452608

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  • PK (2014) Online Streaming... 240

    The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in ev... 2338151

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