• Jurnalele unei adolescente (ne)obisnuite... 434

    Pana sa mi-aduc eu aminte sa schimb pe pagina blogului titlul volumului pe care il citesc in acest moment, am sarit o carte pentru simplul motiv ca am terminat-o in vreo trei zile. Este vorba despre ceva cu totul altfel fata de ceea ce lecturez de obicei, si anume o poveste vesela despre viata din liceu. Un liceu american, bineinteles.Jurnalele lui Carrie de Candace Bushnell preced scenariul din binecunoscutul serial "Sex and the city", prezentand debutul in viata de adult al eroinei Carrie Bradshaw, atat de indragita de fanii filmului.

  • MUSE - "Dig Down" (Live, Nashville, 3 iunie 2017). VIDEO NOU, VERSURI, MELODIE NOUĂ 396

    VIDEO NOU, MELODIE NOUĂ: MUSE - Dig Down [Live from Nashville, TN // 3 June 2017] NEW VIDEO, NEW SONG, NEW SINGLE 2017"Dig Down"Recorded live from Nashville, TN on 3 June 2017Credits:Live camera cut by Tom KirkAudio Mixed by Marc CarolanMUSE - Dig Down (lyrics/versuri):When hope and love has been lost and you fall to the groundYou must find a wayWhen the darkness descends and you’re told it’s the endYou must find a wayWhen god decides to look the other way and a clown takes the throneWe must find a way Face the firing squad, against the oddsYou will find a wayDig DownDig DownDig Down and find faithWhen you’re close to the edgeWith a gun to your headYou must find a wayWhen friends are thin on the ground and they try to divide usWe must find a way We have entered the fray and we will not obeyWe must find a way, yeahDig DownDig Down

  • Kinderland - Liliana Corobca ( recenzie )... 249

    Înainte de a începe să scriu despre carte vreau să mă scuz în fața voastră. După cum știți, disertația e la doar câteva zile începând de acum și am avut o perioadă infernală. Promit să vă povestesc după ce termin cu toate, după ce mă liniștesc. Acum să povestim despre carte. Am văzut-o pentru că Liliana Corobca era autoarea lunii pe www.libris.ro

  • Cum ne-a lasat mafia PSD-ista fara paduri... 449

    În anii 1990, la Bacău se fura pădurea ca-n codru Stejar – extremă urgenţă La şedinţa de bilanţ a Poliţiei Române pe anul 1997, generalul de brigadă Niculae Cheptanaru, şeful IPJ Suceava, a dat contur unei concluzii macabre: jumătate din fondul forestier al judeţului Suceava a căzut măcelărită între măselele drujbelor şi sub tăişul securilor […]

  • Duzina de cuvinte (130) - Caruselul... 734

    Cuvintele saptamanii:comprimat, ritm, rabla, documentar, alimentare, prospect, zbor, noroc, cod, fixare, exprimare, energie.Tema saptamanii: "Caruselul timpului". Sursa Cuvant...

  • PLACEBO - "Every You Every Me" (versuri, melodie, videoclip oficial) 368

    VIDEOCLIP, MELODIE: PLACEBO - Every You Every Me (Official Video) 1999Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/SubscribePlacebohttp://www.placeboworld.co.uk/The official promo video for 'Every You Every Me' released 21.01.1999Taken from the album 'Without You I'm Nothing ' available on iTunes BUY ALBUM : http://www.itunes.com/placebo#PLACEBO20—————————http://smarturl.it/FollowOnSpotifyhttp://www.placeboworld.co.ukhttps://www.facebook.com/officialplacebohttps://twitter.com/placeboworldhttp://instagram.com/placeboworldhttps://plus.google.com/+placeboworld———————————This is the official YouTube channel of Placebo, on this channel you will find all of the official video content from the band including music videos, full album playlist, live show footage and more. PLACEBO was formed in London in 1994 by singer-guitarist Brian Molko and guitarist-bassist Stefan Olsdal. The band has released 7 studio albums t

  • VIDEO, MELODII NOI: Halsey - "Walls Could Talk", "Lie", "Eyes Closed", "Now or Never", "Heaven in Hiding" (2017) 448

    VIDEO, MELODII NOI: Halsey - "Walls Could Talk", "Lie", "Eyes Closed", "Now or Never", "Heaven in Hiding" (2017)MUZICĂ DIN NOUL ALBUM "Hopeless Fountain Kingdom" - Halsey (2017)MELODIE NOUĂ, VIDEO NOU: Halsey - Eyes Closed (Vevo Presents) NEW SONG 2017, NEW SINGLEMusic video by Halsey performing Eyes Closed (Vevo Presents). 2017On Thursday, June 1, at the MacArthur in L.A., Halsey gave the first full performance of the songs from her new album ‘hopeless fountain kingdom’ at our Vevo Presents show. A fearless stage performer, she brought all the roiling emotions of her latest work to the foreground; both artist and audience connected deeply. Several of the tunes were inspired by a “prolonged breakup” Halsey went through (as well as being artistically influenced by Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Romeo + Juliet’) and their dramatic impact was front and center. “‘BADLANDS was about my relationship with myself,” she says. “‘hopeless fountain kingdom’ i

  • Avantajele de a sta la casa... 587

    La un moment dat multi dintre noi sunt pusi in situatia in care trebuie sa achizitioneze o locuinta pentru a avea unde locui. Avand in vedere ca achizitionarea unei locuinte este unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri pe care le facem pe parcursul unei vieti, trebuie acordata o atentie foarte mare acestei achizitii. Una dintre …

  • Halsey - "Strangers" (melodie nouă, video, new song 2017) 420

    PIESĂ ORIGINALĂ, VIDEO, MELODIE NOUĂ: Halsey - Strangers (Vevo Presents) NEW SONG 2017, NEW SINGLEMusic video by Halsey performing Strangers (Vevo Presents). 2017On Thursday, June 1, at the MacArthur in L.A., Halsey gave the first full performance of the songs from her new album ‘hopeless fountain kingdom’ at our Vevo Presents show. A fearless stage performer, she brought all the roiling emotions of her latest work to the foreground; both artist and audience connected deeply. Several of the tunes were inspired by a “prolonged breakup” Halsey went through (as well as being artistically influenced by Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Romeo + Juliet’) and their dramatic impact was front and center. “‘BADLANDS was about my relationship with myself,” she says. “‘hopeless fountain kingdom’ is about me fighting to get back to that relationship with myself.” by HalseyVEVO (YouTube), 5 iun. 2017

  • Halsey - "100 Letters" (melodie nouă, video, new single 2017) 455

    VIDEO NOU, MELODIE NOUĂ: Halsey - 100 Letters (Vevo Presents) NEW SONG 2017, NEW SINGLEMusic video by Halsey performing 100 Letters (Vevo Presents). 2017On Thursday, June 1, at the MacArthur in L.A., Halsey gave the first full performance of the songs from her new album ‘hopeless fountain kingdom’ at our Vevo Presents show. A fearless stage performer, she brought all the roiling emotions of her latest work to the foreground; both artist and audience connected deeply. Several of the tunes were inspired by a “prolonged breakup” Halsey went through (as well as being artistically influenced by Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Romeo + Juliet’) and their dramatic impact was front and center. “‘BADLANDS was about my relationship with myself,” she says. “‘hopeless fountain kingdom’ is about me fighting to get back to that relationship with myself.”Watch Halsey on Vevo: https://www.vevo.com/artist/halseyDownload “hopeless fountain kingdom” on iTunes: http://www.iamhalsey.com/

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