• Avatar (2009) Watch Full Movie... 277

    For video gamers and fun-seeking geeks, those puny objections will be flattened beneath the titanic technical achievement.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. I had the feeling coming out of this movie that I haven't felt since maybe I was eleven years old in 1977 and I saw Star Wars for the first time.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Tha... 0499549

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  • Cooties (2014) Watch Streaming... 236

    Though based on a comics series launched in 1969, "Guardians" comes on with a hip, absurdist humor that feels thoroughly modern.. In place of wit, "Guardians" offers a sort of generalized willingness to be amusing, an atmosphere of high spirits that feels like lots of people pumping air into a tire that has a hole in it.. An energizing juggernaut until its seemingly inexhaustible ensemble cast members are outpaced by their respective characters' quirks.. While directors Jonathan Milott and Cary ... 2490326

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  • Death Race (2008) Play Movie... 229

    As hard as metal and just as dumb, Paul W.S. Anderson's Death Race couldn't be further from producer Roger Corman and director Paul Bartel's goofy, bloody 1975 original, Death Race 2000.. Journey may be an utterly weightless movie, but in the end it floats rather nicely.. The movie gets its own Mad Max mojo working, but there's no real attempt at social commentary here -- these churls just want to have fun.. A popcorn movie that delivers precisely what it promises. The dialogue is tepid and the ... 0452608

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  • PK (2014) Online Streaming... 203

    The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in ev... 2338151

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  • Predators (2010) Watch Streaming... 214

    The dialogue is dumber than dirt, and the plot crumbles at the halfway mark, but the movie does what a loud summer blockbuster should, which is loudly bust blocks.. It's a testament to Trank's capable direction that the movie feels so grounded in reality. There is no sense of the magical in the goings-on, even though what the boys are doing defies logic and gravity.. Predator fans, fearing another lapse into disappointment, can relax. Although it's arguably not saying much, this is the second-be... 1424381

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  • Jurnal de octombrie... 247

                    Peisaj- Regis Art Subțire trecereTrecerea prin anotimpuri mi s-a părut întotdeauna rapidă, amalgamată, tristă...de la albul iernii la albul diafan al primăverii timpurii, apoi la verdele intens al verii, stropit cu maci și parfum de tei...Apoi la culorile toamnei ... In fiecare anotimp există prezentul...O singură zi... o zi când trebuie să mergi undeva, să faci ceva, să cauți ceva...Numai prezentul pare plin de substanță.  Dar când tot ce-ai făcut, căutat sau găsit a rămas în urmă, nu mai ai decât amintirile, nostalgiile...Fragile, inconsistente...Din august a

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  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) Play Streaming 205

    Bay provides his usual Bayisms: bloated close-ups, manly slo-mo, visual hyperbole and glamour shots of a hot babe standing amid the wreckage.. 2012 is reminiscent of yesteryear '80s shlock-tastic blockbusters -- total popcorn entertainment with ridiculous dialogue and impossible situations and special effects that will boggle the brain for a good two-plus hours.. As you might expect with director Roland Emmerich, the movie isn't a patch on the trailer.. Between Bay's obsession to make his 3-D ma... 1399103

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  • Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Watch Full Movie... 198

    This is a movie that's trying in too many senses of the word.. Characters are so sketchily drawn that little is really at stake here.. Nothing very exciting happens.. A film that entertains, even if it doesn't live up to the full-on madness potential the title portended.. The level of inventiveness remains high.. This sharp-looking, committee-written adaptation of a genre-splicing graphic novel wins points by frequently, smartly and affectionately tipping its hat to classic Westerns and their ar... 0409847

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  • Gropita de la capatul obrazului-acest 'perpetuum mobile' al sufletului 260

          Suntem cu totii de acord ca oamenii cu gropita in obraji sunt fermecati.Plecand de la aceasta ipoteza pot spune ca am o lume magica in jur :)      Cand se intampla sa fim doar noi doi, ne ia cu discutii existentiale.Gen:-Da' mama?! Cum adica statea Dumnezeu asa...singur si i-a venit sa faca lumea asta?!De ce nu a facut alta lume?!-Pai sunt si alte lumi..doar nu suntem chiar asa ignoranti si limitati sa ne inganfam si sa zicem ca suntem singuri...tu vezi noaptea cate stele sunt pe cer?!-Aha...-Na...iti dai seama cate alte planete ar putea sa fie populate si noi sa ne credem singuri?!-Da' mama?!Da' cum adica...asa brusc i-a venit ideea cu lumea asta?si inainte ce a facut?a stat numa singur si s-a plictisit?!-Pai e cam pe principiul de perpetuum mobile...-Da' el avea telefon?!A facut lumea asa cum facem noi Minecraft-ul?-Cred ca da...de fapt nu as putea sa ma inganfez in asa masura incat sa zic ca stiu cum a facut pentru

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  • Fii o personă de succes!... 466

    Astazi vreau să vă dau 10 sfaturi cum să ai succes în viaţă:1.Căseşteţi talentul ascuns- Fiecare din noi trebuie să posede un talent, dar el nu stă la suprafaţă, el trebuie descoperit. Încearcă mai multe lucruri şi alege unul din ele care ţi se potriveşte mai bine, dezvoltă-l şi pe viitor vei alege profesia care  se dedică acestui talent.2.Citeşte- Doar citind vei deveni o persoană cu un intelectual de o personalitate celebră, citind noi ne îmbogăţim vocabularul şi descoperim noi lucruri.3.Ocupăţi timpul, nu sta de geaba- Încearcă să nu stai, fă diferite lucruri înscriete în diferite proiecte, rezolvă concursuri, scrie, desenează, citeşte informaţii utile... Şi făcînd asta vei avea succes!4. Ai grijă ce prieteni iţi faci- Prietenii la fel reprezintă un lucru important pentru o persoană de succes, cautăţi prieteni cu care ai ce vorbi, care ştii că te vor ajuta, încuraja şi nu te vor invidia.5.Nu invidia alte persoan

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