• Secret... 259

    " După atâția ani, aproape 20 de ani în care am rătăcit să descopăr calea către victorie, ani în care mi-am legat trupul și sufletul de singurătate și durere, de ignoranță și patimi, de sensibilitate și dor, toate acestea pentru a ajunge la concluzia ce-mi zdruncină din temelii întreaga-mi existență. Acum conștientizez de fapt inutilitatea faptelor mele și ridicolul în care m-am zbătut în toată această perioadă, curiozitatea și încrederea oarbă în propriile puteri m-au împins mult mai departe decât limitele mele. Și astfel am ajuns atât de departe încât acum am nevoie de eforturi supraomenești pentru a face un simplu pas înapoi, atât de departe încât niciodată nu m-am simțit mai aproape de înfrângerea totală. N-aș putea și nici nu aș vrea să vă dau vreun exemplu, încerc doar să scriu aceste rânduri ca o scrisoare de adio către prezent, să pot astfel să-mi transpun și să substitui acest prezent cu trăirile interioare. Trăiesc doar câteva ore pe an, sunt atât de rare secunde

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  • TEDuci la cinema in aceasta săptămâna?... 229

    Hello Thunderbrother , Astazi vreau să îti recomand un film care a reusit sa ma surprindă placut . Ted, ursuletul simpatic cu cea mai murdară gura care o vei intalni acest an se întoarce pe marile ecrane.

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  • All love... 280

        Cand crezi ca stii multe si realizezi ca esti mic copil, cand stii ca te ascunzi de tine si esti intors pe dos ca o punga subtirica de plastic ieftin.Punct....

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  • 10 sfaturi pentru copiii mei... 304

    In fiecare zi va vad crescand sub ochii mei. Bucatile mele de suflet. Bebelusul si copilul de azi veti deveni barbatii de maine. Ca orice mama mi-as dori sa va pot proteja si tine la pieptul meu toata viata. Dar stiu ca trebuie sa va privesc luandu-va zborul. Traind de un pic mai mult timp ca voi in aceasta lume dezordonata, mi-e frica de ce va rezerva viitorul. As vrea sa pot de fiecare data cand veti fi raniti, tristi, dezamagiti  sa suflu pe inima voastra si sa o pup. Sa treaca totul asa cum azi va trece orice durere cand "pupa mami". Dar nu va fi asa. Bratele mele in schimb oricand va vor cuprinde. Cand veti obosi sa va tineti capul in maini de dezamagire, isi va gasi mereu locul pe umarul meu. Iubirea mea fata de voi sper sa o simtiti in  fiecare zi si sa ii cunoasteti nemarginirea!Vreau totusi sa va spun macar 10 lucruri pentru inceput. Vor urma si altele...

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  • To Do List applications that Root... 258

    To Do List applications that Root There are a lot of applications on the market that can make root as the procedure varies from one model to another. It differs depending on the type of processor or operating system version, first. I will show in what follows the full list of applications that can make root the tablet / mobile phones with Android download link. The list is indicative and can try only if you are sure you have found the necessary variant model that you own. If you are not sure, you can leave a comment to tell me where your phone / tablet you have and we will try to indicate correct application. Please note, I recommend those who do not understand the benefits of using only root to uninstall system applications or install applications that require root. Otherwise, you can affect the stability and function of the operating system. 

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  • Hard Reset On Phone And Tablet Samsung... 265

    I know this is a common problem not only on Samsung phones but I'll try to do a series of articles in which I will show you how to bring your phone to factory settings if you forget your screen unlock PIN, pattern, password or if you want simply return the phone to the default settings. I show you how to do various Samsung phones and we add below clips found on YouTube in which you explain how to do this. I'll try to add some of the most popular phones and tablets from Samsung. So to see the videos, and I have to explain how to reset to the factory or a Samsung tablet in general. 1. Turn off the phone, remove the battery, wait a few seconds then reinsert. 2. Restart it by simultaneously pressing the Volume Down + Home + Power until the first logo appears.Release only the power button. 3. Wait a few seconds until you see the Android robot then release th

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  • How do you disable automatic screen rotation... 244

    How do you disable automatic screen rotation Afunctia can become stressful for automatic screen rotation when you do not want this. Certainly there are many who know how to disable this function but many people do not know how to do it, whether you have an Android phone or tablet. I have to look through a simple tutorial how to disable this function or how to act. I used a phone Allview Viper L but the tutorial does not differ very much if you have another model of phone or tablet. In general, the function is deactivated as you'll see below. Enter the phone menu and search for "Settings" Search, select and open the option "Show"

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  • Optimizing Battery On Android... 246

     Battery, main criterion in choosing a smartphone in perspective some people. When did you last buy company smartphone, you take into account the battery life? Yes or no, are you sure you want to remove a larger autonomy of your battery so as to show you some tricks to magnify by up to 50% battery life but be careful, some settings will reduce the functionality of the phone and do not recommend applying if your interferes with their interests. There are applications that do this automatically, but some settings are avoided because the application does not know what each user is required. 1. Optimize signal. If the operator can not impose 3G GSM signal back to consuming less power. Enter the Settings> Mobile networks> Service 3G> Enable 3G> Off The Internet will continue to operate but with slower speed (GPRS)

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  • WIN - Smartphone to the post of remote PC... 263

    Have you ever wanted to turn your Android phone or tablet into your computer remote control? If not, I give you some ideas where this function is useful.     Scenario 1: You can use your phone to control the music player on computer sitting on the couch, without disturbing the other people invited to the party.     Scenario 2: You slept boring movie which of course you have not downloaded the net but you bought at the store and do not want getting out to stop computer, now you can do it from your phone.     Or simply you can use to surf the net, scroll images, scroll through a PowerPoint presentation and not least, to transfer files between PC and tablet / phone.    The application is called WIN - Remote, you can find free on Google Play.

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  • History Smartphone Or Tablet applications installed on 239

    Have you ever had an application or games installed on your phone and want to reinstall it but do not remember the name or just want to see the history of games and applications? Nothing easier! All you have to do is enter the Google Play icon menu and touch. Appeared menu, select the "My Applications" And in the new window appears, choose "All". You will see a list of all installed applications ever on your Android device.

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