• 20 Ways To Become The Best In Your Field... 339

    Photo cred: Leo Reynolds Becoming the best in a certain field has always been the ultimate challenge. This requires determination beyond anything. It means not settling for "second best", not going halfway in your journey to success and

  • Imprumut Rapid Online !... 446

    Imprumut Rapid Online in 48 de ore! Imprumut RapidAveti nevoie de bani ...?Puteti obtine intre 400 si 2500 de lei, bani in mana. Acordarea imprumutului se face rapid, in maximum 48 ore la optiunea pentru acasa.Pentru acces rapid click pe link-ul de mai jos:Împrumut rapidTrimite formularul – şi te sunăm noiPentru acest imprumut nu aveti nevoie de giranti si nici de garantii materiale. Nu exista nici un fel de taxe sau comisioane ascunse. Veti avea de platit doar rata imprumutului. Rata de plata este fixa pe toata perioada

  • Promotii Benzinarii Shop Iunie... 333

    "Red Bull - Reflexe de pilot la doza" - Perioada: 01-30 Iunie - Mecanica: cumperi 2 x Red Bull Regular 250ml la un pret special de 11.98 lei (redus de la 15.00 lei) "Croissant Duo - Come and Get It!"

  • The Difference Between a Boss and a Leader... 314

    Photo cred: nestor galinaIs a boss different than a leader ? I'd like to think so and I'm sure you'd agree. Keeping it clear and simple I'd like to point out the major differences between them: A boss inspires fear. A leader inspires enthusiasm. A boss uses words like "I", "Go". A leader uses words like "We", "Let's go". A boss knows how it is done. A leader shows how it is done. A boss's focus is on fixing the blame for the problem. A leader's focus is on fixing the problem. A boss drives people. A leader coaches them. A boss makes work a drudgery. A leader makes wor

  • How to attract attention to your products or services 432

    photo cred: captcreateRecent marketing campaigns are spread worldwide and all potential customers are literally bombarded with adds for all kinds of products. People have gotten to the point where it is all background noise. We let that which does not matter slide because we fear that our head will explode if we have to remember everything. It's about time for smarter and more interesting marketing that captures the target customers' attention and interest. Here is a video that shows a few examples on how to get people out of their heads and fully interested in knowing more about a product they probably don't yet w

  • Restaurantul Jackie Su. Bremen... 379

    Jackie Su este un restaurant thailandez din Bremen, amenajat de firma de arhitectura Rauminraum. Originalitatea designului interior consta in utilizarea finisajelor dure: betonul peretilor acoperiti de picturi murale, tavanul fals, partial, din panouri fonoabsorbante suspendate si sisteme de ventilatie lasate la vedere impreuna cu cablurile auxiliare, in contrast cu tendintele designului modern minimalist.

  • Guys Listen Up... 348

    When you say skincare you naturally think about women as being the right consumer. But isn't that just half of the equation. Why not focus also on the guys ? According to Garnier, a lot of Singapore's men think of skincare as being sissy.See how Garnier Men got them to talk about their complexes by using a video of a couple breaking up over oily skin. Using their interactive site, girls could customize the campaign's video and send it to any guy they think needs to listen up.Of course this went viral and ended up with a 600 % increase in brand interaction and over 630 % increase in sales in the first week alone. Let me know what you think of this campaign.

  • 5 Hints on How to Overcome Resistance and Get Things Done 372

    Photo cred: edwardfilmsAll people have encountered resistance and do so every single day. It shows up out of nowhere and it's always more powerful than expected. It can come from inside you or from a different person, but one thing matters in the end: how much and in what way do you let it affect you or even change your mind about an important goal. In his book, "Do the work", Steven Pressfield says: "On the field of the Self stand a knight and a dragon. You are the knight. Resistance is the dragon." In order to win this fight you have to have a few important

  • Drive-in Theater by Coca-Cola... 461

    How can traffic jams can create good will among your consumers. Well, to do this right you need to have the right ingredients.Let me see: 1. A traffic jam - something that will hold people long enough for you to take action. 2. Something that will make them feel good while being stuck in traffic (I know, that's just pure evil). 3. The right incentive to make them use your product. Well that's exactly what Coca-Cola and Ogilvy Columbia did in Bogota, Columbia. How long has it been since you watched a movie from your car? Or, did you ever watched a movie from your car? I believe some of you, just like me, never did it. Before watching the video, allow me to explain what they did. The problem: a daily 4 hours traffic jam in Bogota. How can Coca-Cola turn headaches into smiling faces? The solution:

  • 3 Timeless Principles on How to Communicate Efficiently 353

    Photo cred: Josh Fassbind Even though we now have all these communication tools to our disposal it seems we've never been less effective at connecting with other people and passing on to them the right message. Sometimes we aren't even able to capture other people's attention. Seth Godin wrote in his book, "What matters now", what he considers 3 timeless principles for efficient communication and they are as follows: 1. Heart - This is something often shown in public speaking - When you're able to engage people around yo

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