• Design interior. Casa Cecconi... 425

    Designul interior din imagini a fost conceput chiar de beneficiara casei, Elaine Cecconi, de la firma de arhitectura Cecconi Simone din Canada. Cuvintele care stau la baza conceptului sunt puritatea si durabilitatea. Fundalul monocrom, predominat de contrastul alb-negru, este insotit de o singura nuanta de lemn prezenta in piesele de mobilier. Fatadele exterioare adopta un stil imprumutat din programul cladirilor industriale si ale vechilor depozite, in contrast cu interioarele "curate" caracterizate de importanta acordata detaliilor. Pardoselile din beton si piatra sugereaza durabilitatea amenajarii.

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  • Salonul Boa... 352

    Amenajarea interioara a salonului Boa din Zurich adopta un concept inspirat din functionalitatea spatiului interior, acela al unui salon de coafura. Designerul Claudia Meier i-a acordat interiorului o "tunsoare" prin multimea de fibre translucide ce acopera in totalitate suprafata tavanului. Fibrele, de lungimi diferite si greutate redusa, respecta principiile mecanice ale firelor de par, aflandu-se intr-o continua miscare sub influenta curentilor usori de aer. Pentru stabilirea gradului de iluminare al interiorului, avand scopul de a crea un ambient unic dar si un spatiu de lucru functional, au fost facute mai multe experimente.

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  • Why should you use social media for business... 382

    Photo cred: Damien do ToitHow can social media benefit my business? I'm sure that you asked yourself this question at least once since you've first heard of social media. Before going into details, I'd like to make it clear that a business who should use social media is not necessary a large or well established company. Everyone can benefit from using it. Even we, here at Marketing Affairs are going to use social media channels to reach out to you. There are a couple of points that I'd like to cover up in this post regarding the subject. Why use social media in the first place?

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  • Amenajari interioare magazine. CLS Architetti... 310

    Magazinul Runway a fost inaugurat in orasul Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, conceptul designului interior apartinandu-le arhitectilor italieni CLS Architetti.Lamelele manufacturiate, de forme si dimensiuni diferite, imbraca suprafetele peretilor si ale tavanului, conferind spatiului o forma organica. Contrastul diferitelor elemente a reprezentat punctul de pornire in elaborarea conceptului. Diversitatea text

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  • Effective Management... 543

      Photo cred: lumaxart A lot of focus has been put in the last few years on management styles or techniques. Management exists for the same reason a business exists: to better serve the clients and in the process to create revenue for the company. It isn't there to waste time and energy or to stress employees with authority manifesting methods. A little freedom never hurt anybody

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  • Design interior. Extindere mansarda... 320

    Extinderea casei din Melbourne, Australia, prin constructia si designul acestei amenajari interioare a mansardei, a fost conceputa de arhitectii firmei Edwards Moore. Motivul pentru care am ales sa scriem despre acesta amenajare interioara a fost utilizarea cu preponderenta si nonsalanta a materialului de construcite OSB, pastrat la vedere in constructia pieselor de mobilier si finisajul peretilor. Textura acestuia si fundalul al suprafetelor albe constituie elementele contrastante ce definesc designul "open-house" al casei si mansardei.

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  • Your Customer's Birthday - The Perfect Time For Marketing 334

    What happens once a year and it has something to do with you personally. That's right, your birthday. We all know that birthdays are fun, we are the center of attention and above all we get presents. It was my birthday this week and of course that I've received a lot of messages. Among the senders there were also these messages from the top 3 recruiting sites in Romania: eJobs.ro, MyJob.ro and Bestjobs.ro . Now, I don't know how much do you know about these 3 companies but a study made 2 years ago showed that eJobs had back then a market share of 46 %, BestJobs 25 % and MyJob 10 %, the rest being other recruiting sites. Since they all sent me email messages wishing me all the best, I thought to share them with you as well. You'll see why being the number 1 in the business isn't always something good. I'd like to start in the same order as I mentioned them since it reflects perfectly the podium (backwards).

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  • Amenajari interioare cafenele. MS, Polonia... 318

    Cafeneaua se afla la parterul muzeului Sztuki din Polonia, fiind un spatiu social de intalnire pentru vizitatorii expozitiilor. Amenajarea moderna a cafenelei prin materialele simple utilizate: lemn, metal si sticla, are loc pe fundalul interioarelor palatului din secolul XIX. Contrastul dintre ele scoate in evidenta frumusetea spatiilor existente. Conceptul din spatele amenajarii interioare sugereaza un depozit de arta parasit. Citeste tot articolulSursa:

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  • What does doing business really mean?... 348

    Photo cred: Trey RatcliffThis is a question that I've asked myself for some time now. The business world, the big corporate field seems very appealing nowadays for the young businessman or professional to be. It gives you a steady environment in which you can learn, grow and bring your personal contribution not only to the organization but to the business partners as well. I understand that any company wants to have better and more customers in order to raise capital and profit. The question I have is "Why are people and corporations acting like there is no limit to natural resources?" Without falling into the Greenpeace environmentalist spirit I simply ask you, the reader: "Is the way things have been going for the last fifty years sustainable?"Leaving the Earth's resources

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  • Design interior casa Yarra... 460

    Designul interior al casei din Melbourne a fost proiectul castigator al concursului Victorian Chapter Awards din anul 2009. Elementul central al amenajarii interioare este scara interioara sculpturala. Finisajele curg de pe suprafetele orizontale pe cele verticale si invers, de pe suprafetele pardoselilor pe cele ale peretilor si ale tavanului, oferind fluiditate spatiului.Citeste tot articolul

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