• Test Excel – Tu cat de „ninja” esti in Excel? 218

    Inainte de a incepe un curs despre Excel inhouse, primul lucru pe care il fac e sa evaluez cunostintele participantilor. Fac asta printr-un test online despre Excel cu 20 de intrebari. Ce zici, incerci sa il parcurgi si tu? Tu cat de „ninja” esti in Excel? Testul are 20 de intrebari, oare la cate o sa… Citește mai mult »Test Excel – Tu cat de „ninja” esti in Excel? The post Test Excel – Tu cat de „ninja” esti in Excel? appeared first on onLearn.

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  • The Envelope Money Saving Challenge... 52

    The Envelope money saving challenge is a great way to teach kids about the importance of saving money. The challenge can be adapted for the whole family, and it's fun too. If you want to keep it fun and interesting for k...

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  • Money Saving Binders... 52

    Money saving binders are useful tools that can help you save money. Depending on your needs, these binders can help you track your money as well as your expenses. However, you should ensure that the money binder you choo...

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  • Functia IF in Excel – tot ce trebuie sa stii... 236

    Functia IF e una dintre cele pe care musai trebuie sa le stii daca lucrezi in Excel. Hai sa vedem cand o folosim, la ce trebuie sa avem grija, dar si cateva functii auxiliare care ar putea fi utile, de genul AND, OR. Vezi tot in acest video. Functia IF Excel Lectie „piratata” din MS… Citește mai mult »Functia IF in Excel – tot ce trebuie sa stii The post Functia IF in Excel – tot ce trebuie sa stii appeared first on onLearn.

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  • What Does the Bible Say About Saving Money?... 51

    What the bible says about saving money. When saving money, one has to set a plan, and stick to it. That means cutting expenses and setting aside money for some sort of savings account. Most people put off saving because ...

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  • Why Is Saving Money So Hard?... 49

    People find it hard to save money because they have high expenses. This makes it easy to spend more than they can afford. People often treat their credit cards like cash and don't realize they are spending money. They ca...

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  • How Many Jobs Are Available in the Finance Industry? 51

    The finance industry is huge, employing over 2 million people in the United States alone. This sector covers a variety of job roles and includes insurance, investment, and stock markets. The field is extremely competitiv...

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  • What Companies Are in the Finance Industry?... 48

    There are many different types of companies that are involved in the finance industry. These include Investment banks, Insurance companies, and brokerage firms. Learning about these types of companies can help you determ...

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  • Functia SUBTOTAL – suma ce tine cont de filtru... 294

    In acest articol (despre functia SUBTOTAL in Excel) vreau sa te ajut cu un raspuns la urmatoarea intrebare: Cum pot face o suma in Excel care sa tina cont de filtru? Sunt sigur ca stii, iar daca nu afli acum, ca sumele in Excel nu tin cont de randurile ascunse. Se poate vedea si in imaginea… Citește mai mult »Functia SUBTOTAL – suma ce tine cont de filtru The post Functia SUBTOTAL – suma ce tine cont de filtru appeared first on onLearn.

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  • Functia SUMIF / SUMIFS in Excel... 193

    Nu e prima data cand scriu despre functia SUMIF, si nici despre SUMIFS. Am simtit insa ca nu am fost destul de clar in articolele mai vechi si ca ar fi nevoie de o explicatie video pentru aceasta functie. Hai sa o facem. Putina introducere Nu stiu tu cum esti dar mie nu imi place sa… Citește mai mult »Functia SUMIF / SUMIFS in Excel The post Functia SUMIF / SUMIFS in Excel appeared first on onLearn.

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