5 best FREE DDNS service... 341
- Știință/Tehnică
- 25-10-2017 15:29
Using a Smart DNS service is a great way of browsing geo-location locked content and accessing streaming channels that would otherwise be inaccessible to you. Unfortunately, the big problem with Smart DNS is that it requires your IP address to work correctly, and with most Internet Service Providers (ISP) this can change on a regular basis. To overcome this, all Smart DNS providers have a section on their website user area that can be used to easily update your IP address. While this is relatively easy to do and should cause no issues to anyone, it can become a hassle if you have to do it regularly. This is where a Dynamic DNS or DDNS for short, comes in. You can register a free domain name and install a piece of software on your computer that will then keep your IP address updated as required. At the end of this article, we examine how to set-up a DDNS service from scratch. Our list here contains,