„… a hypothesis test tells us whether the observed data are consistent with the null hypothesis, and a confidence interval tells us which hypotheses are consistent with the data.” William C. Blackwelder
„… the actual and physical conduct of an experiment must govern the statistical procedure of its interpretation.” R. A. Fisher
„… the null hypothesis is never proved or established, but is possibly disproved, in the course of experimentation. Every experiment may be said to exist only to give the facts a chance of disproving the null hypothesis.” R. A. Fisher
„[Statistics are] the only tools by which an opening can be cut through the formidable thicket of difficulties that bars the path of those who pursue the science of man.” Sir Francis Galton
„A judicious man looks on statistics not to get knowledge, but to save himself from having ignorance foisted on him.” Thomas Carlyle
„A statistical analysis, properly conducted, ...